Chapter 18

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Keith pov
When everyone got home Claire helped me make cookies for Santa. Chris and Paula picked up their babies from her parents house and went home. Ashton and Rynn stayed for a bit still dancing to beyond the sea. It's exciting really this is the first Christmas everyone is together. Last year Cassie and Ryder went to Hawaii. Chris went out with Ashton, Caine and Jamie. Carlie and I were playing a lot of Santa. It'll be different without Jamie and Caine but with the new addition that has recently joined I would say it's going to be fun. After making the cookies and setting them out for Santa. Just hoping Charlie doesn't get to them first. Charlie keeps telling me Santa isn't real, but he is Charlie just doesn't have belief anymore. Ever since I met Rynn she never had a thanksgiving or Christmas. So I would leave a small tree set up with presents around it at her old apartment. When I arrived on the Christmas morning over there she would be jumping up and down. When she lets her cool stance down she's very cute.
Claire pulled me out of my thoughts when she said read a story to me. So I did and soon she, fell straight to sleep. Then everyone came and set the presents from Santa out. Then we all fell asleep to await the morning.

I woke up early to start on the Christmas morning breakfast. One of the maids named Carol came to help me and she brought in the mail with her. That was nice of her. I thought to myself. She was making the pancakes and waffles while I worked on the egg and sausage casseroles. Charlie soon joined only to set the table and put the juices on the bar in the dinning room. Then he sorted the mail and finally came around to give me my morning kiss. Carol put blueberries, strawberries, bananas and chocolate chips in glass bowls as toppings for the cakes. We finally finished set up everything. When we heard little running feet followed by some big feet then a lot of giggling.

"Santa came! Santa came!" Claire sang. "Lets open presents!" Now she started to jump.
"No we have to eat breakfast first. Ok?" Charlie said. She was about to say no when her tummy roared. We all, who were awake started to laugh. So after everything was set out and people filled their plates. I told Carol she could head back to her home.

"So Ashton is Rynn still asleep?" Cassie asked.
"Yea I tried waking her up, but all she did was groan and push me off the bed so she could have more covers." Ashton chuckled. I started to get up.
"I'll go wake her ass up. She also got a letter from someone so I'll let her read that when I push. I mean when she falls out of bed." I said trying to rush up the stairs. "Ry it's time to wake up!" I sang.
"Go away" she mumbled.
"No. Your going to get up. You wanna know why?" I asked.
"No" she said flipping over.
"Well I'm telling you anyways. It's Christmas Day and everyone is down stairs eating the yummy breakfast I made with help. And I want your lazy ass down there eating it too." I stated now trying to push her off the bed. "Also a letter came for you."

I could tell she tensed when I said that because the last time she received a letter it was from her apartment owner saying she had to get out.

"It doesn't have an address signed with it. Just your name. while you read I'll get you some Christmas jammies so you don't go down half naked." I got up and went into the closet.

Rynn pov.
When Keith handed me the letter my heart was rapidly beating. Here goes nothing.

Dear Rynn,
For the past few years you've had a horrible life. I've been looking for you for a very long time. Now don't worry I'm not a creepy male that want to kidnap you and make you mine. I'm your father. The father you grew up with was your adopted father and one of my personal friends. Even though he mated with my mate. Your brothers are still your brothers. Your mother is still your mother. I have a message from Jamie he wants to meet with you. I to want to meet with you maybe later this week. I pray you have a wonderful day. Oh and whatever you hear about the rogue king. It's partly true. He can be cruel, but his family is his top priority. Meet me at this address 2739 Edwards park. You'll have to shift and meet me at the lake. That's the only way you can get there. Your wolf will lead you there. Also don't bring any of your friends. Only bring Charlie and Chris. Tell them you want to have a bonding day.
Love Dad.

What did I just read. Should I go to that park? Should bring Chris and Charlie? What if it's a trap? 'Take a chance maybe you'll be able to find the truth.' My wolf said. Keith came back into the room so I quickly shoved the letter under my pillow.

"So what was the letter about?" Keith asked place the red and green pj outfit out.
"Nothing important. Go back down and make me a plate of chocolate chip pancakes." I said hopping off the bed to the bath room. Once down stairs I are and we all started to open the presents. Claire fell asleep in all the wrapping paper.

We made plans to go ice skating once Claire woke Up and the rest of the day went by smoothly.

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