Chapter 13

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A/N: I'm soooo sorry everyone I've been working my butt off for the past few weeks to get grades up and study for midterms. Anyways here is some.
Rynn pov
It's been a few weeks now since that incident and I don't know if it was real or a dream. Because I woke up in my bed, in the alphas house. Then those following days some people would bow to me. Not like nod head bow but down on one knee and arm against their chest. Something like they used to d in Renaissance? Oh well. Ashton would tell me I had a certain type of glow when I entered a room. Then my head would feel dizy and I went to the pack doctor to see if I was sick or pregnant. When she did some test both came back negative.
Anyways back to now. For the last two weeks the school has been preparing for midterms. I'm studying my ass off for them. I learned for seniors if your final first marking period average you grade to a 85.5 or higher you don't have to take that classes midterm. (She and her close friends are seniors.) so I only have to take four midterms. Math, English just because that teacher does it for the finals not midterm, economics, and the traditions of the old tribal communities. That one didn't have many students in it so that why I picked it.
Today I have math first and English second. Cassie takes an ap math class so hers started earlier and she gets a longer break then the regular math students have. I'm in ap English and Cassie is in regular. I know its hard not having one of my best friends in two classes. Besides it's not like we don't have the rest of the classes together. We do but instead of the tribal class she takes a French class. I only want to know English and maybe on the way German and Polish. Anyways as I was taking my last midterm of the day my wolf started to get antie I just tried to push it off as much as I could and focus on my midterm. An hour 15 minutes I was free to leave. I decided to text the cheer group for a quick meeting discussing some charity event for breast cancer awareness. One of the cheer members Amanda mom is going through breast cancer I go hangout with her a lot and we've bonded so much. Turns out Amanda's family has fairy blood in them. When I went to her home their backyard is beyond beautiful. There is different types of exotic flowers, they had built a small river flowing to a waterfall to a pond with those Japanese fish. It's amazing. Back to the charity we decided to order pink and white uniforms bows socks wrist bands for the guys and the pink marker stuff. There's a dance routine that we've been working on and with adding a few more stunts and ending with a special symbol I'm sure everyone will love it. After Amanda left I also had asked each one of the team members to buy different pinks, reds whites, or purples flower bouquets so we can combine them and make something amazing for Amanda's mom. (My mom fought against breast cancer unfortunately she passed on, but I treasure every women and man fighting against this horrible disease.)
When I got home I started to study for my economics midterm I have tomorrow I hope I do good. I hate that class so much. After that test tomorrow there's one more and it's on Friday that's my tribal midterm my grade is amazing and the teacher says I have great interest in that class more then anyone except for one of her old students. My teacher loves that I love that class and that teacher is an elderly wolf from the pack shes given me so many old tribal books about old pack life.
That night as I'm getting ready for bed my pig has gotten bigger and tonight was going to be his last night in my room. Ashton and I got into a huge argument about it. He won which got me pissed off and slam the door in his face. I gave my pig a relaxing bubble bath. And tucked him in its going to be so hard in when I get home from school. When I feel asleep I was taken to dream land.
I'm not going to tell you all that happened. Basically there was a beautiful girl in a white flowy gown blonde hair and ocean blue eyes and she keeper repeating soon warrior.
Next day I know I failed my Econ midterm I just know it. Ashton surprised me with a small little palace for my pig. When I looked inside ther was a little bed and a bath tub so I can come and bathe him. There was also another bed but for a girl. Ashton was trying to hook my boy pig up with a girl pig. He is soooo sweet. I jumped on Ashton and gave him a huge hug and kiss. And the rest of the day went on with me and Ashton never leaving his room. He helped me study for my final midterm and after we did that he helped me study a lot of other stuff over and over again.
My final midterm was amazing while some moaned and groaned I screamed out of happiness. I rushed over to the gym so the cheer team could start with the routine. Amanda had to go help her mom out with arranging some stuff and the uniform company came to measure all of us and Amanda had all her sizes down. The cheer uniform is going to look like pink long shiny sleeve under amor and pink shiny spandex the skirt was blak and pind with hints of white and red and the top was to same type of colors. The guys had all black with hints of each color like the girls and pink wrist bands also for the senior girls they make pink black and white guarders for us. The bows were the same colors socks same types of color and the poms were pink black and silver. We did our cheer routine dance at the charity and gave Amanda and her mom the surprise both cried and hugged each one of us. A friend of mine who is a backer made cupcakes, pink brownies, cookies, cakes. Let me tell you if you like or loved the color pink that would have been your heaven.

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