Chapter 15

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Claire pov
Wow I can't believe Alpha Ashton and Luna Ry let me stay over for the night. I'm probably the luckiest kid in the world. Christmas is coming up soon and moma told me we were going somewhere soon. She said it was going to leave a mark on me. Moma said my big brother was going to come home with his mate and kids. Luna Rynn told me just to call her ry ry or ry. Only close friends call her that name. She was very kind to me and I learned that she cannot cook. Also I thought that the alphas house was going to be strict, but when I was there everyone was so kind and sweet to me. I kinda have a crush on Charlie. Is that wrong of me to have one on someone who lives in the alphas house I'm not sure.

It's the last school week before Christmas break. I'm in the 2nd grade moma put me in a blue button up long sleeved shirt, black long leggings, brown boots and a white cotton hat. She also gave me a white cotton sweater because it's started to get colder. The we are in art class right now and the teacher said to draw what Christmas means to us. I was sitting next to my best friends Heather and Alex.
Heather asked me "how was spending the night at the alphas house?"
"No way you were at the alphas house. When?" Alex asked very shocked.
"It was so much fun! I helped them make dinner and we watched Mary Poppins and Ry even made different fondues." I stated looking at heather then turning to Alex.
"Don't you mean Luna Rynn. My daddy said never disrespect the Alpha and Luna or the ones that live in the alphas house. Or you could be punished." Alex said.
"She's right you know it's not good to disrespect them in any manner" in the smart talk heather is known to do.
"Luna Rynn said I could call her Ry Ry or Ry. You wanna know why? Because she said only close friends were allowed to call her that."
"Whaaaaaat?! So your a close friend now? Your so cool!" They both said together.
Then this girl Lexi with her squeaky voice and sidekicks showed up. "You think your so special just cause your friends with the rogue luna. My sister told me to teach omegas their true place. And since your a omega which if you didn't know is the lower class also known as the losers."
"Yeeeeeaaaa" the sidekicks said at once.
(Just think of LILO and stitch those kids with the leader red head glasses and the backup crew.)
"Leave me alone" I said glaring at her.
"Aww you have a little bravery but your know against me. I can do what ever I want to you because your an omega." With that she pushed me out of my chair and Alex got up and helped me up. Before the teacher even noticed. When the teacher turned around I was already right behind Lexi and pushed her to the ground.
"Claire stop it this instance!" The teacher boomed out. "go to the principles office now Claire."
So here I am sitting in front of the principles door and in comes my moma. Oh great I thought to myself. Here we go. She gave me one of those looks that moma gives. The principle called her in. I looked at the clock even if I can't read time I could tell it was time for school to be out and everyone in the office was gone. Finally moma came out and started to walk away.
"Moma? What he say? Am I in trouble?" I wandering asked.
"Sweetheart you must understand something. Something very important. You must understand your place in the were community. I have no idea why the moon goddess did this to you, but when a higher ranking tells you to do something you better obey without a fight or arguing. You understand me?" She looked straight in my eyes as she spoke. I slightly nodded my head to let her know I understand. I soon noticed a few darker patches of her skin. That weren't there before and she's also walking differently know. It was very strange.
When we got home moma went straight to her room. Allen my brother was home with his kids that are about the same age or older than me. His wife I think her name is Marie went to check on moma. Allen was making chicken Alfredo. I love that stuff. Me josh, Anna, and Liam went to play outside for a bit before we had to clean out hands for dinner. Marie brought a plate for moma cause she said she wasn't feeling to good. They asked about my day and I told them all that's happened.
I had two sets of bunk beds in my room they were both brown and had red sheets and a blue blanket and pillow on each. Allen and Marie tucked each one of us in. Me I was on the top bunk of one and josh was on the other. Then Anna was on a bottom bunk and Liam was on the other. Josh is the oldest he's 9, Anna is 7 and Liam is 5 just like me. We went to sleep.
I don't know what time it was, but it was still dark outside.
"Claire wake up please." Allen said quietly.
"Is everything ok?" I asked sheepishly.
"Moma is very sick and want you to go and see her." He picked me up and carried me to momas room.
"Hey sweetheart. I want you to know I love you so much. You were such a great blessing to receive." She said almost in a whisper. "You need to know your not an omega. And your not my daughter nor Allen's sister. Your mother and father were the greatest trackers in this pack. Your mother died and your father was banished. I know you can't understand me but please try and understand I was trying to protect you.

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