Chapter 5

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Jamie pov
So I've been seeing Jordan for about a week and she told me about some girl that trashed her cheer routine. And when the girl was stunting she took her middle stunt group. Now Jordan is in her bathroom puking her guts out because she thinks she a fat trashy girl. If you ever saw this girl you would think she's a walking tan blonde corpse, but her ass is sexy. You see I'm an ass type of guy and it doesn't matter to me if the girl is a twig or curvy as long ass she has ass I'll be all over her. Right now I'm on her bed with only her sheets covering my area. It was a Friday afternoon when she called me to come over.
"JJJJJJAAAAAMMMY Am I pretty?" Jordan asked in one of those annoying needy voices.
"Babe I'll tell you every single day that your sexy and the only girl for me" I used all the charm I had in me and put it into all my words. She crawled towards me. Lifted the sheet and massaged, rubbed and sucked my friend. Then she got on top of me and bounced rode and y'all the the rest. After the sex I asked, "don't you have to cheer at the football game tonight?"
"Yea but I want the team to fail and blame it all on that girl."
"Why would you want them to fail?"
"By them failing and making a fool out of themselves they'll kick her off and beg me back."
"Alright babe whatever you say."

(This part is different cheerleaders talking so I'm just going to use 1,2,3 etc. there are 18 together without Jordan.)
1- where is Jordan? Does she realize we have to cheer tonight
4-we are going to look soooo bad
Rynn- ladies and gentlemen y'all are an amazing team. Jordan is just one person she doesn't make this team a team. All of you do. We can do it. I believe in you guys!
2- that was an awesome pep talk and I almost cried. Your right we can pull this off!
7- so what are we going to do for half time?
10- we could do that dance routine we've been working on?
15- we can't do that. It's not even complete yet.
Rynn- we'll be able to do it. So everyone knows their parts right. We will just add flips and stunts at the end sound good.
17- let's go run through it.
It was now half time. The cheerleader went and did their routine. And everyone cheered for them.

Rynn pov
"I'm so proud of y'all! I knew you could do it!" I really believed in them.
They all said thank you and we continued on cheering the rest of the game. By the end we did a group hug and took pictures.
"You were incredible" Ashton surprised me by coming up from behind and giving me one of those back hugs. "I think you should be captain and maybe when the time comes to mate you can wear you cheer uniform for me" he said the last part in my ear and naturally my legs felt like jelly.
"Hey Rynn you kicked ass with that routine." Keith said running up to me and hugged me which surprisingly earned a growl from Ashton. "Dude I'm gay no worries" he said putting his hands up in surrender. "Alright I say we go to Beef-O-Brady's. Who's all in?"
"I would love to, but one of the patrols caught an unfamiliar scent in the area. So I'm going to check it out. I'll see y'all later." Ashton kissed me on the head and headed out.
"So when were y'all kissing like that?" Keith was super shocked. When he noticed I didn't even say anything "spill now!"
"Well... We remember that pool party. And cleaning up. After you took Charlie to bed. We some how managed to get Caine to is door, but he collapsed and Ashton helped me get him to bed. So finally Ashton walked me to my room and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I said, ' you missed' then we started a heated kiss then parted ways."
"That happened last Saturday and I find out now! I thought we were best friends who told each other everything?" I didn't think it would bother him this much.
"Keith I'm sorry with school I didn't even notice how much you would be affected by this. I'm sorry." I used my puppy dog eyes.
"Fine I forgive you but you have to make it up to me." He had an evil look in his eyes.
"Name it."
"We are going to the club to get wasted and for you to be on stage again. I know how much you miss it."
It was now Saturday night Chris and Paula were going out. Ryder was going to have dinner at Cassidy's parents house. Caine and Charlie was going to help Ashton with a lot of paper work. Cause Jamie has been absent for a few days. We've all tried to get a hold of him but no luck.

We'll now it's 9:30 and the cab will be here shortly so took quick shower blowed dried my hair. Did a smokey eye look and went to my closet. I decided on a short long sleeve white loose dress, sparkly nude heels, and simple white diamond studs and grabbed a simple nude sparkled purse. Keith opened my door wearing a long sleeved red button down black jeans and black leather boots. He also had a black and sliver watch and a black stud on one of his ear lobes. I had forgotten about that. (Clothes Pinterest based.) we headed down stairs and kissed our mates then headed out the door to the cab. We arrived at the club and I was surprised to see it was my old work. Once we got in the host started to sing the opening song. Keith was handing me a lava flow cocktail. Then a spotlight hit me. And the host announced "well her ladies and gentlemen is one of our own she moved away but since it's her birthday tomorrow she decided to join us for a celebration! Now Rynn get your skinny little ass up here and we will show you what you've missed!" The night was amazing and is it sad I forgot my own birthday? I just been so busy with moving in with my old pack, school, the cheer team and me and Ashton working on our relationship. That it never crossed my mind. I'm now back stage. And the host Amanda wants me to sing. I haven't sang in forever.
"Fine give me the mic the the band to play Make you Believe." So as I'm sing I see Jordan come in with Jamie. Once she saw me she kissed Jamie. It didn't bother me I just continued to dance and sing. They went to a seat in the back. Guess who else walked in Cassidy, Ryder, Paula, Chris, Caine, Charlie and Ashton. I felt my cheeks heat up when Ashton's eyes landed on me but kept going. After I was done Amanda pulled me back stage to talk to me. When I came out there was a huge cake by the way it was taller than me so it was enormous waiting for me that said 'Happy 18th Birthday RY' Dalton the acro guy for the club helped me get to the candle at the very top with circus ropes. When the cake was cut it was my favorite chocolate ice cream cake and red velvet cake layered. That was one of the best nights of my life!

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