Chapter 2

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Keith pov
"Charlie!!! I need help!" I screamed through my phone.
"What's with all the yelling? I'm trying to sleep Keith!"
"No time to explain I'm coming back now. Just be down stairs with Jamie, Caine, Chris, Cassidy, Paula, Ryder, Ashton and a few warriors or trackers!"
"Fine but when they want to kill someone for waking their ass up in the middle of the night I'm sending them your way."
"I don't care just please get them I'm on the territory. Be there shortly"
I arrived at the alphas house and the living room lights were on. Good I quickly ran inside to meet a bunch of glares.
"I'm sorry to wake everyone up at this hour, but please understand. Remember that lone female rogue I told y'all about. That saved me when I was crossing over to no mans land?"
Charlie was the first to speak. "Yea what about her?"
"I was taking her home and a bunch of rogues came out of nowhere. She told me to run which I did cause I'm not strong. When I looked in the rear view mirror she looked like she was about to die. Please we need to go save her she's my best friend!"
They were all just staring at me. With blank expressions. "You know we would want to help, but it's just some rogue and even though she's your friend we can't risk the lives of the pack."
"You all are idiots. I ha-"
"Shut it. Ashton do you feel that? Someone's trespassing onto our land." (The Lunar Shadow pack is a combined pack. So there are two alphas working as one. Until one of the alphas finds his mate.) "everyone shift and find that trespasser."

Everyone shifted outside and followed the alphas I was fuming with hate right now not even letting Charlie in my mind link. We got near the border and I recognized the scent. The she was lying still a medium sized black wolf with one grey sock. Half her body was in the creek and the other half on land. Her scent was filled with blood too. I was able to make it past everyone. Creeping up to her. Nudged her nose and seeing her eyes open she shifted and said. "Remember what I told you? No one can take me down. Not even a pack of rogues." I shifted put my shorts on and my shirt on her. Bringing her to the pack doctor also know as mom. I had to wait. So I waited and waited and waited it was now a quarter after ten and Ryder, Ashton's beta said that the alphas wanted to speak to me. I walked into their office once I knock Jamie said enter I took a seat. I looked over and saw Charlie siting on one of the couches.
"Earlier this morning you raised your voice at us and also demand us to do something. Even though you are my brothers mate. You will have to do punishment. Your punishment is training. Your mother has pushed your training out way to much. And it's time for you to become stronger. I also know that Charlie will be giving you a punishment later as well. But my question is this why do you care so much about that female rogue? Even though she saved you 2 years ago how are you so close with her." Jamie spoke out.
"You see Jamie that girl's father kidnaped her when she was only two and forced her to become rogue. What she told me what her father told her. She was the cause of her mothers death. He told her that she had four older brothers that stopped listening to him. And the oldest boy took charge of the pack at the age of 11. When she told me this it reminded me about the story Charlie told me about how your father was abusive drunk and kidnaped your sister. Sir I'm wondering could that female rogue be your sister." After I was finish Jamie and Charlie were super shocked.

"There's no way she could be our sister unless her name was Rynn" Jamie said shaking his head down. When he was done he met my eyes and his eyes went wide. "You mean..... She can't be.... She's alive?" Jamie and Charlie were both out the door with tears in their eyes. I came to the waiting area where Charlie, Caine, Chris and Jamie were pounding on the door of the office.

"Yes alpha?" My mother asked worried.
"The girl Keith bought in how is she?" Jamie spoke.
"She is actually healing pretty fast. Turns out she has alpha blood in her. She is just really under wait and dehydrated. So I have put fluids in her. My guess is that she'll be healed in a few hours. I'll get one of the omegas to prepare something easy for her."
"Mom, alpha let me do that. I know what she likes and not." My mother turned to me and smiled. She also gave me some powder medicine no flavor to put in the food. I left to start preparing Rynn's food. I was heading towards the kitchen and saw Ashton siting on a stool. "Hey Ashton what's up?"
"Hey Keith? What was it like to find out that Charlie was your mate." He questioned as I was pulling some pots out to make something for Ry (short for Rynn)
"Well when we came here me and Charlie hated each other. We didn't want to be mates. We both thought the moon goddess went physco. But when Charlie got a girl friend that just pissed me off so I got myself one. He saw me kissing her. Ran over to me and dragged me to his room where he showed me that I was his. Why do you ask?"
"He's asking cause Rynn is his mate." Charlie came in with that I knew it look. He walked over to me and kissed my temple he is 6 feet and I'm 5'9. If you guessed it he is the stronger one and I'm the smarter one.
"How did you know Charlie?" Ashton was shocked that Charlie knew so fast.
"Oh come on when we got to where she was laying last night you stiffen. When she shifted into her human form in front of all the guys I saw how your wolfie face got super angry. And finally when Keith her put his shirt on her it looked like you were about to kill him. Also one more thing it wasn't her choice that she became rogue it was that stupid mans fault. So if you reject her because so that. Just know I don't care if we are a combined back me and my brothers will take you down. Got it?" Ok I know I'm cooking but Charlie defiantly just turned me on with that alpha voice and his wolf coming out. He's sexy.
"Charlie chill I would never do that and plus Jamie is my best friend I would never want to become enemies with him. I was just thinking now that I found my mate I'm going to become the first alpha of the Lunar Shadow pack." And that's when Jamie walked in....

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