Chapter 3

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Ashton pov.
It is now a Saturday morning. Rynn has finished redecorating her room and wanted a grand opening ing of it. She had painted her door into a white colored oak with this cool black metal design on it. The walls are the color of the forest. Her bed frame was tree branches that was really cook the flooring was dark wood. The furniture was neat. The tables looked liked rocks the couches was a off blue with grey pillows. She had framed pictures of wolves and a blown up portrait of a mother and a child. I'm assuming it's her and her mom. Her bed sheets were a darkish green with black grey blue and purple pillows. Then in the corner there was a place for her freaking pig it basically looked like a tiny house. Her bathroom was amazing. She actually turned the shower and bath into a water fall pool. And the toilet was white with fake moss over it. The sink was a miny water fall. Then the walk in closet was really nice. Apparently she turned her parents room into it there was also a memorial for her mom in there. It was beyond amazing.

Part of me wants her to move into my room, but figuring our first argument was about if a pig could come to the alpha house or not. If y'all don't understand the alpha house is made up of the alpha families, beta families,and the third command families. Then there is the pack house which has mostly all the pack member except for the married members and elder ones they live on their own still on the territory of course. Also if you were confused about the whole combining the pack thing I'll explain. Jamie's pack was the second largest in the US mine was first largest. When we were little we made a treaty then later on we decided it was a good idea to join our packs. The thing about the deal was there will be two alphas instead of one, but if one of the alphas found their mate then they will be the first and main alpha. And the other would be second alpha he would be I charge of warriors and trackers. Yet the first alpha was like the president so he could override the second alpha chooses. It's confusing I know. Since then Jamie was searching day and night for his mate. Any she wolf wanted so desperately be his mate. He would put on galas, big parties, etc. Me I was laid back I was in no rush to find my mate. I've only had two serious relationships. The last one cheated on me with her mate. So no big deal were still really good friends. Now that I found my mate I will be the first alpha. I will tell you this. The role I will be will not over throw Jamie. He is my best friend and brother. So until I don't want to be first alpha and he finds his mate. If he still wants first alpha position then it will be his.

Alright back to reality. We all decided to have a pool day. Caine and Chris went to the store to get a lot of alcohol. Keith went food shopping he said he wanted the food to be tropical themed so Charlie went with him. Me, Jamie, and Ryder are setting up torches and wooden beach chairs. And a few other members were hooking up the stereo and blowing up the rafts.
"Hey where are the girls at? They should be helping!" Ryder exclaimed. Right as he said it his phone went off. "It's Cass."
Phone conversation
'Hey babe..... You are?..... What do you mean y'all are going to look sexy... Wait sexaaaaay.... What's the difference?.... Uh huh..... Yea... Ok.... Love you too... Bye...'
"Cassidy said her and Paula are going to help Rynn get ready for tonight. She wanted me to tell you not to get mad also not to be horny."
"Girls and their fashion I'll tell you that." Jamie said.
"Oh lord if I see any funny business with the male pack members I'm taking Rynn to my room and you might do the same with Cassidy, Ryder." We all busted out laughing.
"I guess things will be different now." Jamie muttered. He probably didn't want anyone to hear. So I played it off. We finally finished the pool area. Caine and Chris sent up the bar. And Charlie and Keith finished the food now putting it out on the tables as a buffet. This pool pool party is to introduce Rynn to some of the late teens and early and late twenties pack members. We would have the actually ceremony later for Rynn.

Cassidy pov
After Paula and I barged into Rynn's room and nearly tackled her to the ground cause she was trying to escape us. Paula was doing Rynn's hair and water proof makeup. While I try to find a bikini for her to wear. I'm the fashionista and Paula is the makeupista. I picked out a bright coral color scrunchy butt and strapless coral top. I thought it would be perfect cause her skin is a good tan color. Paula was doing her thing by applying the natural look for Rynn and lighting perfecting her hair. I also picked out a bikini for Paula and myself. Paula was a light purple chevron print on bottom and a chevron bow top the back color was a darker shade of purple. And my bikini was a navy blue tribal strapy. We started to talk about random things. Some how we got on the topic how was life like being a female rogue. Rynn told us all about. At the end I was super happy she would be one of my closest friends. She was such a badass. She looked super cool and I haven't even known her that long. Paula got a text from Caine and we all went down stairs. The music was bumping. The smell of sweat came off of pack members from dancing. People were doing shots and some eating. This was an alphas party cause even if you got drunk you would show class in front of the high rankers. Let's just say i know how to get a party started. I made my way over to the DJ and took the mic.
"HELLO PARTY PEOPLE! How is your night going!" They all erupted into shouts. "Tonight we are introducing Rynn Richmond! She is the little sister of Jamie, Chris, Caine, and Charlie Richmond! Also before you males out there try to tap her sexy ass may I remind you ASHTON IS HER MATE! Can I get a what what!" I held the mic out and yet again shouts were heard. They were all already drunk. "Can I get a spotlight on my main bitch!" The light flashed onto Rynn and Paula who were both chugging down they drinks. "Alright looks like they stated drinking with me so DJ get the music back on and LETS KEEP THE PARTY GOING!" I quickly got off stage to join my girls. We were siting at the bar Chris handing us numerous shots. I'm the champion about who can drink the most shots without getting drunk.
"Hey Rynn you and me shot competition right now!" I yelled as she drank her beer.
"I'm in!" She yell back.
"Caine set the shots up Cassidy and Rynn are doing a shot competition!" Paula yelled. We waited the took our seats.

Rynn pov
I watched as Ryder carried a drunk Cassidy up to their room. I felt bad she reached her limit. I turned to Paula "do you want to dance?"
"Sure." We made it to the dance floor and the song Animals came on by Maroon 5 and we started to grind on each other and sang to the lyrics.
(The song is at the top^^^)
Half way through the song I felt sparks of where Ashton touched my exposed body. Chris took Paula and now they were dancing together. I grinned into Ashton feeling his friend stand. Him being 6'3 (I'm changing Rynn's height it's now 5'7) and me being 5'7 his arms were resting around my hips and on my stomach the tingling feeling was amazing. The party died down around 4 in the morning a lot of people went to the pack house. Charlie was passed out on one of the outside couches. Keith went over and put a blanket over him. Chris and Paula were nowhere to be found. Caine was in the pool on a big raft drinking his last beer and he was super drunk and still awake. He defiantly was pulling an all nighter.
Right now the few of us who were still somewhat awake started to clean the pool area. We finished around 6 and headed to our rooms. Keith managed to get Charlie up the stairs and into their room. Caine made it to his door a collapsed. Ashton helped me get Caine to his bed. There was no sign of Jamie. Ashton walked me to my door and bent down to my height to give me a kiss on the cheek. Before he straightened himself out I locked eyes with him and attacked his lips. God they felt amazing on my own. One of his hands was at the middle of my back and the over caressed my cheek. My arms went around his neck. Once we broke apart we said our goodnight/morning cause the sun would be shining in a few hours. I closed my door and grabbed a big T stripped put it on then fell asleep.

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