25 - Warmth and Welcome

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When you finally make it back to the Haveneaux Manor hours later, arms laden with bags, the sun is already well on its way to setting. The dusty twilight casts the last dying rays of golden sunlight of Puffy's cloud of hair.

"Thank you, again," you say quietly to Puffy. "You really didn't need to."

Puffy shakes her head. "I chose how to spend my money and my time. You're a good person, Y/n, and I want to figure out what's happening so that you'll be safe. Plus, when else am I going to splurge on dresses?"

You smile, small but genuine. "Fair enough."

The inside of the manor is filled with life and sound, and you follow the laughter back to the same den as before.

Wilbur is practically sobbing with laughter on the floor, and Dream is wheezing so hard he's holding his stomach.

"Heh? Heh?" Techno looks so bewildered that you can't help but chuckle as you walk into the chaotic scene.

Dream waves at you as he gasps for air. "Hi, welcome..." he dissolves into laughter for another moment, "Welcome back."

"What's going on?" Puffy asks, and you can tell that she's trying not to laugh.

Wilbur takes a deep breath, pulling himself together. "I, uh," he gestures to a chessboard between himself and Techno, "I was eating pieces when he wasn't looking."

"I-" Puffy looks just as confused as Techno. "You know what? Nevermind."

This only causes Wilbur and Dream to collapse on each other once more, cackling their lungs out again. Once they both catch their breath, finally done laughing, Niki helps Wilbur to his feet. Techno stands too, casting a glance towards the window. The dusk sky is hazy, but the sun has dipped below the jagged skyline of mansion rooftops in the distance.

"We should get going now before it gets too dark," Techno points out. "Puffy, thank you for letting us interrupt your plans for the day."

"Thank you for the clothes," you add, and Niki nods along next to you.

Puffy grins, glances subtly at Techno, and winks at you. "Of course."

You flush bright red but smile back at her anyway.

Dream and Puffy wave goodbye from the foyer as you leave. You file out of the gate to the property, and you place your hand on your sword. Techno, you can see, is doing the same.

Noticing your nervousness, Niki bumps you gently with her shoulder. "It'll be okay, Y/n. We're all armed, and there's four of us this time."

You raise an eyebrow. "Wait, you have a weapon too?"

She nods. "Wil let me borrow two knives," she explains, pulling them out from hidden sheathes beneath her coat. "This one's fire aspect and this one is a hunting knife."

Wilbur pats the slim cavalry-style saber at his side. "Mine's got knockback. I'm not the best fighter, but I do have a couple of tricks up my sleeve."

"Impressive. I actually don't know if my sword has any enchantments on it. I got it as a... gift, of sorts. I inherited it," you explain, pulling the blade from its scabbard at your side.

"May I?" Techno asks, and you pass the sword to him. He runs a finger over the flat of the thin blade as you all walk along, and his eyes glow for a moment. "This is actually pretty impressive. It's not netherite, but it's diamond with some solid enchants. Knockback, sharpness, and looting."

You take the handle of the rapier as he hands it back, and slip it carefully into the sheath once more. "Impressive."

The knowledge of your collective weaponry does nothing to stop your nerves, though, and you're as tightly wound as a piano wire for the entire walk home. Thankfully, it's uneventful, and you all make it safely into the warm interior of the sprawling house.

You follow the scent of warm food to the kitchen, where you find a familiar scene: Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo, bickering good-naturedly amongst themselves and Philza and Kristin dancing through the kitchen to the soft music of a gramophone in the background.

Wilbur, upon noticing this, spins into a dramatic bow, extending his hand to Niki. "May I have this dance, m'lady?"

Niki places her hand in his with a smile. "Of course." Wilbur kisses the back of her hand gently, then tugs her gently into the center of the room. They spin in casual circles, whimsical and fun and messy. Niki's bubbly laughter fills the air as her apprentice robes flare out around her, and her excitement is contagious.

You catch her eye as she spins past, beaming and giggling, and your smile widens as well.

A gentle tap on your shoulder pulls your attention away from your friend, and you turn to glance back. Techno stands behind you, looking almost nervous. "Y/n... Would you like to dance?" He holds out one hand. As if you could ever say no.

"Of course," you breathe out, taking his left hand in your right, lacing your fingers between his. His nervous expression fades quickly into a smile, and he slips a hand around your waist. "I don't know how to dance though, so you'll have to teach me as we go."

"Just follow my lead."

Techno's grip is firm but gentle as he guides you into the center of the room. The music on the gramophone fades out, and another song starts, this time slower and melodic. It's familiar, apparently, and Techno hums along as you place your left hand on his shoulder. He steps back, settling into a pattern, and guides you with the hand at your waist.

Your boots follow his steps, and you spin across the floor to the slow music. "On-two, three-four. One-two, three-four," he murmurs in your ear to the beat of the song. The faint violin curves and swells as you close your eyes, letting Techno guide you along. The steps are becoming easier and easier, and you feel his movements slow as the song comes to a close.

"Can I dip you?" he asks suddenly, and your eyes snap open.

You nod apprehensively, and when the end of the song crescendoes, you let yourself bend in his arms. He dips you deeply, his arms around your waist and your hands laced behind his neck, and you feel yourself go weightless in his arms for a moment. Then he pulls you back to your feet. You bump into him reflexively as you catch your footing, and you can feel your heart race.

"Oh, sorry, was that too much?" he asks worriedly, arms still around your waist.

"I- oh, no, that was actually perfect," you manage, out of breath but not from the dancing. "It was- it was perfect."

"Good." His eyes are soft as he watches you, a small smile on his lips. "I'm going to start moving the food to the table."

You blink, and the moment fades. You glance around the room to where everyone else is. Wilbur is giving Niki a piggyback ride. Philza and Kristin are swaying gently together, looking for all the world like they're the only ones in the room. Ranboo and Tommy are chatting as Tubboscampers off to the kitchen, only to reappear with more drinks.

It's warm and comfortable and perfect and you never want to leave. Techno slips his hand from around your waist, presumably to go get food, and you feel the absence of his warmth immediately. The tingling in your chest doesn't fade when the warmth of his arms does, though, and it stays with you until you fall asleep, staring up at the dark ceiling of your bedroom with a sappy grin.

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