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"Y/n, no, get back! Don't you fucking touch her--"

Your fingers curl into silk, and for a moment your brows wrinkle in concern. The last thing you remember is Techno's shirt in your hands, his arm around you--

You scramble upright, tossing the sheets around you into disarray. The walls around you are familiar; this is your bedroom at Philza and Kristin's home, but why are you here? The last thing you can remember through your splitting headache is the tender kiss you'd shared with Technoblade in the gardens. The kiss, which fills you with a tingling warmth. The kiss, and a set of cold purple eyes that douse the warmth in your chest.

Something clatters to the floor beside you as you panic, and you flinch away from it. Your chest heaves. You glance around frantically, searching for something- no, someone. Where is Technoblade? Where is Mikah?

"Techno!" you call, your voice ragged and hoarse. "Technoblade, where--"

"Y/n!" The door to your room flies open and Niki flings herself at you. "Y/n, you're okay, you're awake-"

Your arms tighten around her as you pull her onto the bed. She trembles a bit, or that could be you, but that doesn't matter. "Niki," you murmur into her shoulder as you hug her close.

"We'll get him back, I promise," she whispers, her voice choked with emotion. Your fingers curl unconsciously into her clothing as you latch on to her even tighter, too scared to let go.

"Get who back?" you ask, but something in your gut twists. You know who, but you need  Niki to say it aloud because you can't bring yourself to.

Silence rings for a moment, louder than you've ever heard it, before she whispers, "Technoblade. We'll get Techno back, Y/n."

Slowly, you force yourself to relax your death grip on Niki, and the two of you notice a tired-looking Philza peeking in through the door. "Hey, good to see you awake, mate."

You nod at Phil, mirroring his warm but exhausted smile. "Thanks, Phil."

Niki curls into the blankets beside you, not meeting your eyes.

"So," you force yourself to ask, "How long was I unconscious? What happened?"

Phil makes his way over to the foot of your bed, perching on the edge like a bird. His fluffy wings, tucked at his sides, complete the image. "Someone took Technoblade and cast something right nasty on you. It took Kristin and I nearly a day to stabilize you enough to undo the curse. You've been out for close to thirty-two hours."

You look down. Gods above, you're fairly certain you could kill Mikah with your bare hands right now, if only you knew where to find him.

"We don't know where Techno's been taken, or who has him," continues Philza. "We only know that he's gone and he didn't go without a fight. He made sure you were safe, that's for sure."

The pit in your stomach sinks. "I know who took him. I.. I don't know- I'm not sure if he was- ugh," You bury your face in your hands. "It's just... a lot, sorry. Um," you take a deep breath, then let the words spill out of your mouth in a rapid white-water flow of worry and confusion. "It was Mikah. He-- He did something to me, I'm not sure what it was, but all I remember is a purple glow, like, like some sorcery or something. Then Techno yelled my name, and I think I passed out."

Phil looks so, so tired. "We'll get him back. We'll find a way."

"I.. I don't know how powerful Mikah is, and how we can get him back, though!" Your voice breaks, and you curl your legs in towards your chest. "I... I fucked up and I couldn't keep him from being--"

"Nope," Phil interrupts sharply, taking your hand gently to get your attention. His expression is set and serious. "I won't have any of that self-blaming shit. Techno is a grown-ass adult and he chose to protect you. He's going to be alright-- he can take care of himself, I swear."

Funny, you think as you choke back a sob, that comfort and kindness are what trigger your tears. Your vision blurs and you let out a small, hiccuping noise and collapse into Phil's side. He wraps an arm around you, and you feel Niki curl up against your other side as you cry. Gentle hands pet your hair, combing through it as you let out all of your pent-up stress. Another warm figure joins the pile, and you smell Kristin's faintly sweet, floral scent as her arms wrap around you and Niki.

"Everything might not be okay right now, and we might not be whole, but we will be soon. It's going to be alright," Phil murmurs. "Technoblade will be fine."

Slowly, your hiccuping, uneven sobs taper to a halt and you manage to catch your breath. Niki's gentle hand wipes tears away from your eyes, and you sniff in with an embarrassed laugh. "Sorry about that, guys."

Phil ruffles your hair. "Don't be. You're worried about Tech-- we all are-- and you needed an outlet. Nothin' to be sorry about, alright?"

You nod, feeling younger than your already young nineteen years. "Thanks, Phil. And Kristin, and Niki, you guys too."

Phil grins. "Anytime. Now let's go get our Techno back."

The manor becomes busy once more, the occupants turning into a whirlwind of purpose. You change out of your loose-fitting pajamas and into a modified version of your apprentice robes; they're a deep red, with hints of brown and gold accents. You buckle your sword to your waist, cursing your lack of its reliable cold, hard steel when Mikah had taken Techno. A dagger finds its way into your boot, sheathed securely beside your leg, and another is strapped to your opposite thigh. Your goggles are secured on your head, and your hair is pulled back and out of the way.

You march downstairs, finding the others ready at the front door. Philza is stretching his wings and exchanging quiet murmurs with Kristin. Niki is fiddling nervously with her belt, securing a knife to the leather. Wilbur has a slim rapier sheathed at his hip, looking far more intimidating without a guitar in his hands or a smile on his face. Even the trio of Teenagers is there, though only to see you off. Ranboo will be coming with you, though-- his pact with Technoblade being important enough for him to tag along.

You notice that Techno's sword is slung in between Phil's wings, and something in your chest twists. You'll get him back, no matter what it takes. It's only a matter of time.

"You ready?" Phil asks, glancing around.

"Of course." You reply, almost trembling with anticipation. "Let's go."

APRICITY // technoblade x reader DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now