27 - Reading and Research

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The next two weeks pass in a blur, the passing of each day only signified by an hour of dancing lessons with Techno- really just more of an excuse for the two of you to spend time together. The rest of the time, though, is spent stressing, planning, and researching. The reason behind the attacks on the two Libraries is still a mystery, but the mechanics of them are becoming clearer and clearer.

One bright weekday morning, accompany Niki to her apprenticeship at the L'Manburg Library. You spend the day wandering inside of the sprawling maze of books- Puffy had said a few days back that after the gala, she might be able to get you into the Library as an apprentice again. It's like a dream, really: the Library you'd always wanted to move to, your best friend, and of course...


He's a presence that fills your mind, blanketing your thoughts even as you try to investigate more about the history of the rune circles in the garden. Eventually, you give up and stick to simply wandering around the towering shelves, lost in thought. Techno, of course, is one of the reasons that you're here, alive and free and not held responsible for the death of someone that you'd looked up to all of your life, but... so is Chancellor Puffy.

She had believed you immediately. No hesitation, no qualms, only genuine care present in her mannerisms. She had immediately gotten you removed from the list of suspects despite only knowing you for a day- you can't quite figure out if that should worry you or not.

Unless... How would she have known that you were telling the truth? Could she have had some way of knowing? As the thought enters your mind, you frown and beeline for the section about all forms of magic. About thirty minutes of searching later, you find it: information about a truth spell, and one that can be done subtly. Not to make the person in question tell the truth, but to make the caster aware of any lies.

Smart, resourceful Puffy. There was a reason she was Chancellor of the Magisterium, the head of the nine-mage guild that governed L'Manburg. She's kind, smart as a whip, and genuine in what she does.

You wonder what her story is.

Throughout the day, though, one more realization strikes you. You don't know much about magic, so you comb through that sector of the Library, pausing only to go fetch a quick lunch of a meat pie and roasted vegetables. Through your search, you dig up a hefty manual on all of the different classes and settle in for an afternoon of reading.

The first class listed is the bard.

Bards are known for their ability to charm people through forms of art like storytelling, music, and dance, though music and singing are the most common. They're typically charismatic and suave, with wide social spheres and plenty of connections.

You snort as you read this, thinking of Wilbur and the guitar that he carries everywhere with him. Suave? You've seen him spit out chess pieces and trip over nothing. Very suave indeed.

You roll your eyes but continue reading anyway.

Clerics are the most commonly known healing class. Though bards are capable of minor healing, clerics have magic more suited to this ability and are able to use devotion to one of the gods of the Pantheon to channel divine healing energy. Witches are a "subclass" of the clerical class, as they are clerics who do not devote themselves to a particular god. Their power is thus never amplified by divinity, but historically they have found a connection to herbal medicines and material spell components to assist with their less powerful healing magic.

The cleric from the night a few weeks back blinks to the forefront of your mind, her kind smile and mischievous eyes still clear in your mind's eye.

You turn the page.

Sorcerers. Widespread throughout the world, sorcerers are a very common and very diverse faction of magic users. Sorcerers gain their power by bargaining away some of their life essence to demons; this essence is demons' most concentrated form of sustenance. Recently it has been found that while it was previously thought that human food was ineffective on demons, eating regularly can help sustain a demon enough to lower the amount of life essence necessary for a deal. Sorcerers can become more powerful than warlocks or wizards, but this power comes at the price of their lives. Oftentimes, sorcery is a family tradition, and magical genes will follow bloodlines.

The idea of lanky, innocent Ranboo or sweet, beautiful Kristin taking life itself from their sorcerers is such an odd concept that you have to swirl it about in your mind. You knew before that sorcerers bargained with life, but it never truly processed until now.

Honestly, it's just a part of them by now. You shrug.

Wizards. The proprietors of the business of science and invention, they typically work with science and magic, combining them to create better technology and a safer world. They use verbal, material, and somatic spell components, along with large amounts of glyph work.

You skim through the section, picking up the main ideas. you don't know any wizards, but you should know at least a little bit about them.

Finally, the bolded text at the top of the next page catches your eye.

Warlocks are similar to sorcerers and clerics in the sense that they are born with innate magical potential. However, unlike clerics or sorcerers, this power does not require divine or demonic intervention to flourish. Warlock power is often triggered in adolescence through an intense, life-changing event where a subconscious barrier is broken and magic is released. Though they cannot become as powerful as sorcerers, they can come close with the assistance of runes and runic circles without needing to barter away life essence to do so.

Something about that description seems familiar, but you're not quite sure why. Puffy could be a warlock, you muse. It would make sense. She's strong and bright, so the innate magical ability would fit right into place. Either way, when you glance up at the enormous windows, the sun is drifting lower in the sky. Niki's shift is likely almost over, so you slip the book back into its place on the shelf and wander off to go find your friend.

The new information swims in your mind as you two walk home, arriving right before dinner. You're fairly quiet through dinner, but through your whole hour with Techno you pester him with questions. He answers them patiently as he spins you across the wide-open floor, seemingly endeared by your enthusiasm and curiosity.

"Only two more days until the gala," he reminds you as you snuff the lights in the makeshift ballroom. "Are you ready?"

"I don't know," you admit. "It's exciting because I've never been to a gala before, but... the person who's been trying to attack us, attack me is likely going to be there. And how will we know who they are?"

Techno stops walking, takes a deep breath, and turns to face you. "Y/n, I don't know. I don't." He pulls you in for a hug, and you let yourself be gathered into his arms. He buries his face in the top of your hair, and you wrap your arms around his back. "I'm nervous too because I don't want you to get hurt and I don't want anyone taking advantage of you."

"I... I don't want to get hurt either, and I don't want you to get hurt because of me." Your words come out as a whisper as you lean into his chest. "But we're going to be okay. We'll have each other's backs, and we've got Niki, Wilbur, Ranboo, Kristin, and Phil."

"That's right. We're gonna be okay." Techno runs a hand through your hair, and you feel the tension fade from your body. "We're gonna be okay."

APRICITY // technoblade x reader DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now