Chapter 25

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Jan Van Eck sat in his cell in Hellgate, his heart teeming with joy. He was clutching the letter that had arrived from the council. It said that there had been a mistake and that they were very, sorry to have put him though this. 

He grinned like a child but his face darkened at the thought of that street rat, Brekker. He had to admit, the rat had skills. His eyes darkened as he thought of Aly. 

What was she doing after she'd filed a divorce? And the child? Custody of his heir, his precious heir had been given to that fool, that simpering girl, Alys. 

Alys and Bajan, hmm. 

Van Eck strode around his cell. It was better than the other horrors of Hellgate, but it was by far the worst treatment that he had experienced so far. 

He was expecting Pekka Rollins and Doughty tonight. He reached into his waist coat to take out his watch and check the time but stopped when he remembered that he had no waistcoat and no watch. Instead, he had a set of prison grab. 

He gritted his teeth and counted the minutes since the last pounding bells. 

"Ah! How far the high have fallen!" Van Eck gritted his teeth harder, ignoring the taunts and nudges from his fellow prisoners. 

One thing about being in a metal cage. It protects the one outside and the one inside. Unless however, one had a key, or the bars were too far apart. 

He glared at his empty hand, as if wishing for his golden watch and laurel tie pie to appear then closes his eyes, willing the jeers to go away. However, he could not. 

Damn Pekka Rollins and Doughty, he would be out of here now. 

The Shu ambassador should be here anytime now. 

He was waiting. 

After all, what's waiting a few hours when you've been waiting for months? 

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