chapter twenty five

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"Why did you have to go and cut your hair Ryouma chan?" Yuuri chan asked me as I sat at my seat.

"No reason." I answered.

Everyone made such a riot over how I cut my hair. They complained that I should've let it grow out, and that I looked prettier with long hair. There wasn't any reason I cut it almost all off. My brothers didn't care, and I was meaning to cut it anyway. I wanted to get it done before our field trip, which was less than a week away.

"Are you trying to get Mabuchi kun to not recognize you? I thought you liked him?" Yuuri chan whispered.

"Does he even know you like him back?" Yoshioka san asked. Of course the three of them knew. I'd rather have then know what's happening then the guys. If I had called Maru instead of these girls.. Let's just say he isn't good with advice that much.

"I'll tell, don't worry. It's just.. I guess I'm still facing the shock." It's been like that for the past week. It just stunned me a lot when he said he liked me. I can't talk to him on my own, and I give him short answers. Also... He didn't really ask me out or anything.

"Kazehaya?" Someone asked behind me.

"What?" I turned and saw Mabuchi kun with a surprised expression.

"I didn't recognize you for a second there. I thought you were someone else." He laughed. "You got me worried, I thought you weren't coming to school. Why did you cut it?"

"No reason. It's easier to take care of." I shrugged.

"It's for the boy she likes." Murao san said nonshalant.


"Well, it suits you." He ruffled my hair.

I blushed. "Don't.." I put him in a headlock like when the time I called him a monster. "Don't ruin my hair!" I growled to hide my embarrassment.

"Oh Ryouma..." You could hear Yuuri chan's voice dripping with disappointment.

"I won't, sorry." Mabuchi kun was still laughing. I let him go. "You're still pretty strong. That's the second time you've done that to me."

"Yeah." I cracked my knuckles, it felt good.

"So do you know anything about the field trip from Sensei?" Yoshioka san asked as I sat down.

"I know a few of the places we'll be going to, and that we'll be able to have at least one free day." I told her. "But if you're asking about the groups, then I'm sorry, it's not in our control."

"I hope we get into the same group Ryouma chan!" Yuuri chan smiled.

"I hope so too." I nodded. "That'd be nice."

"But it's too bad Touma kun and Uchimiya kun are in a different class." Yuuri chan sighed.

"Neither is that senpai that's been asking Kazehaya san, Mikoshiba senpai right? Also those two adorable kouhais of yours. Really Kazehaya san, you must have a charm for boys." Yoshioka san teased. I'm glad that she and I have been getting along much better, compared to the beginning of this school year. Not much of a great first impression huh? "Maybe the four of us will be put into a group with Kominato kun and Kou."

"I don't think you should really worry about Miko senpai." I told her. "He might still be mad at me, but I actually do hope that the six of us get into a group." I said with a smile.

"You're so sweet!" Both Yoshioka san and Yuuri chan exclaimed as they both went to hug me. Murao san sat there laughing softly.

"Mabuchi, are you going to the vending machine?" Maru called to Mabuchi kun.

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