chapter six

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"I call the window seat." Kazehaya called as she sat down first.

"Okay." I said. I was still a little tired. We were sat in the back of the bus. Kominato and Murao were in front of us. Kominato is so love sick, I can see that Kazehaya gets second hand embarrassment from him.

The bus began moving along, and there was a lot of talking. It'd be hard to sleep like this.

"I'm going to sleep for a little okay?" Kazehaya tapped on me. I just nodded. "Wake me later."

I noticed she had brought headphones along and slipped them on. I heard she listened to mostly American punk rock songs. She said she didn't understand what they sang most of the time since her English was horrid, but looking at the translations gave her a better view of the songs.

I never really noticed how tired Kazehaya looked after she fell asleep. She even has eye bags too. What the hell is she doing that causes her to have a bad sleeping pattern? I felt bad, twice she let me fall asleep on the train even when she needed it too. She's a walking irony.

I didn't realize that I was leaning over her. She just looked so peaceful, it was almost calming for me. I couldn't help but take notice of her facial features. She looked so much like her brothers, but as a girl. If she tried, she could probably get the boys in our class to fall in love with her. I mean, as if some of them didn't already.

"Kou, what are you doing?" Yoshioka asked. I began to realize that I was now just gazing at her. You would've thought I was her boyfriend.

"I'm just opening the window a little more." I leaned towards the window and pushed it up a little more. Come to think of it.. What was I doing?


"This is all your fault Mabuchi kun! Why didn't you wake me up?!" I shouted at him as the two of us rushed to where everyone met.

"I told Yoshioka to wake me up!" He called from behind me, trying to catch up. God he's slow.

"Well hurry! We'll get in trouble!" I said. I then grabbed his hand and began pulling him. "You're so slow!"

After ten minutes, we had found everyone and began being scolded from the teachers. Luckily our brothers stepped in and began talking to them. We were able to escape.

"Ah. You know it's kinda embarrasing for both of our class representatives to arrive late like that." Kominato sighed.

"We know, sorry." I apologized.

"Kou." Tanaka sensei called. "Kazehaya chan."

"You're lucky that they decided not to send you home." Ren came over and told us as we ate lunch.

"They just want a written apology letter from you." Tanaka sensei said. "You too, Kazehaya chan."

"An apology letter? Why should we?" Mabuchi kun asked. He isn't very fond of his brother.

"Just do it, the both of you okay? Right Youchi?" Ren asked. "They want it before lights out."

"Yeah, don't get into anymore trouble." Tanaka sensei warned as they left.

"Apology letter? For what?" Mabuchi kun muttered.

"When you cause trouble, it makes trouble for Tanaka sensei, too. I think you should be more careful." Murao san told him.

"Don't worry about him. He's my brother so it's fine." He sighed. "I am who I am."

"So you made someone totally unrelated to the incident apologize for you? You brat." She said, then taking a pause. "No, rotten brat."

"I'm done eating." I got up and left before anything else happened.

I threw out my food and left. I know that we're supposed to work together and I probably should've broken up the arguement, but I didn't.

"Where are you off to?" I heard someone call after me. It was Miko senpai.

"I have some time before we start our activites. So I'm just going to stroll along." I answered.

"I'll come with you." He smiled.

The two of us sat outside and gazed out into the scenery. We just sat there and talked.

"You and Kou chan seem very close. How long have you know each other?" Miko senpai asked, hugging his knees to his chest. He sits so childish all the time, and he's a third year in high school.

"I met him towards the end of last year. It was a rainy day and I found him by the shrine near my neighborhood. I offered my umbrella and walked him home. He lived surprisingly close." I explained.

"I see." He said. What was he thinking about? He got up and began to leave. "You and him make a great match."

What? But we weren't together?

"Wait, senpai. We aren't together-" I called after he left. I thought I was living proof that guys and girls could be somewhat best friends. I'll have to explain later. Besides, I'm sure there isn't anyone I like at the moment. I know the boys at school so well, it'll feel weird.

I sighed and went back to the group. They probably just hate each other now. To think, we were going to be a great group.

"Hey!" I heard someone shout in the hallway. I quickly assumed they were talking to someone else and just kept walking along. "I'm talking to you, Kazehaya Ryouma!"

"What?" I turned around and saw the girl Miko senpai told me about. What was her name? Haruka? Harumi? How the hell did she know my name? "Who are you?"

"I'm Harumi Nao! You're the younger sister of Kazehaya Haru of my class and Kazehaya Ren sensei, older sister of Kazehaya Daichi, first year!" She exclaimed. She stood not very far away from me. I have to admit, she's very short. What was her problem? Did she really call me out just to yell basic information at me? It sounded weird hearing a stranger say it out loud.

"Yeah, that's me." I answered, then slowly began to walk away. I didn't really care what she wanted.

"I've been watching you for a while!!" She shouted, causing me to throw a weird look at her. I'm beginning to feel like running away. She had a weird crazy look in her eye, almost like she was angry. "I have some advice I want you to take!"

"Which is?"

Her face turned red, but she still had the same expression. "Stay away from my Kou kouhai!"

I admit, that was a little funny since his name is Kou, and she calls him her kouhai. But for me to stay away from him? "Why?"

She seemed a little mad from my response. "Just stay away from him!" She shouted and ran towards my direction.

Did She believe that me liking Mabuchi kun thing too? She must've heard Miko senpai and me talking then. She must really like Mabuchi kun. But then again, she's a year older. I tend to find it odd when the girl is older in a relationship, but everyone's different right?

"Good thing I found you, we're about to start soon." My brother glanced over and looked at the direction I was staring at. "Is that Harumi san?"

"You know her?"

"I was her homeroom teacher for her class when she was a first year. She's really smart, did you know she skipped a grade?" He asked. She did? No wonder she doesn't look much like a third year.. That's actually kinda cool. "Well, enough chattering. Let's get going Ryou chan."

"Alright.. Coming." I followed after him. My group probably just hates each other now. Well, it's only the beginning. Let's hope everything else goes fine.

the boy from school // ao haru ride (kou x oc) || UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now