chapter seventeen

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"Are you okay Mabuchi?" Kishinuma asked me during physical ed. We were getting ready to play softball, boys against girls. "If you wanna sit out, you can. I'll let sensei know."

"I'm fine." I answered. At least we still got to do physical ed, even if Peach san had left. It's kinda weird how Ren was the one supervising us. He said that my brother and his class were both doing something and that it was okay for him to watch us. Their classes must be together a lot.

"So each side needs a captain to determine who'll swing first." He said. "Have the girls decided?"

"We picked Kazehaya chan will be our captain!" Yoshioka said loudly.

"Great." He nodded, then turned towards us with a sympathetic smile. "I'll let you all know that she played softball throughout middle school. So please, choose the best captain."

Thanks for the motivation, sensei. "I think Kou should be the captain, since Kazehaya and him are both class representatives." Kominato announced.

"Yeah, you're right. I vote Mabuchi!" Satoshi agreed, causing the rest of the boys to follow up with the vote.

"Great, so it'll be Mabuchi kun and Kazehaya chan for captains." The both of us stepped forwards facing each other and Ren sensei tossed a coin.

"Ryou, your call."

"Heads." She said with a relaxed expression. She seemed not worried at all... Like she knew she was going to win this.

The coin landed and he placed it on the palm of his hand. "Heads. Who'll bat first?"

"Boys will bat first." She answered. Surprising. I thought she would want to bat first.

"Great. Good luck to both teams." He winked at us boys.

We were going to lose badly.


"I said I was sorry." Kazehaya apologized as the two of us sat in the nurse's office. At some point in the game, they were winning by three points. I wasn't surprised that they'd be ahead. Next thing I knew, I was tripped and scraped my knee badly.

"You didn't need to trip me." I mumbled. Kazehaya was in here for spraining her ankle as she slid to base. You should've seen her. She had a scary expression, they were scared to tag her.

"You two should be more careful." The nurse's assistant said to us. It was a boy from our grade.

"As if I could. I'm like a disaster, always causing harm." She shrugged. The boy sighed and left us.

"A disaster? Really?" I asked her.

"Yeah. I think I'm almost like a storm. Sometimes I just arrive in people's lives and I make things happen, you know?" She explained. It's like she knows what I'm thinking. She isn't wrong. "I'm right, aren't I?"

"Sure whatever." I shook the feeling off with my head. "Ready to leave?"

"Yeah, but I wanna take this off first." She told me, then just stared at me until I left. When she realized I wasn't going to leave, she began removing her shirt. Shameless.

"Wait, I'm still in the room!" I exclaimed.

"It's okay. I have a pair of shorts and a shirt under my gym shirt and sweats. I work hard, but I don't sweat much." She said, showing her black shorts and white shirt. "I'm just going to go home like this. Besides, at least I won't have to go change when Kominato and Murao san are there."

"Right. I forgot." I said. We were having a study session. She took off her sweats and gym shirt, then adjusted her shirt.

"I'll be in the classroom." She told me as she left the nurse's room.

the boy from school // ao haru ride (kou x oc) || UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now