Jschlatt x male reader 💛

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Description: M/n finds out something he wasn't supposed to, and he tells schlatt but he doesn't believe him. Also I'm making you part deer

Recommend: no

¡The idea came randomly in my mind at 11:39pm🌝! 


Y/n pov 

I was walking down the prime path, it has been two days after J schlatt took over. I looked up to see tubbo exiting into the forest. 

'Weird he never leaves Manburg' I thought to myself. I decided to follow him, turning into my deer form. I walked right behind him, all the way to a dirt covering. He looked around his eyes landing on me. "Weird I never seen a deer wonder this close to people before" He said  as he grabbed a lead from out of his pocket. He put it around my neck, for I didn't even flinch at the movement. He grabbed the shovel and dug into the dirt revealing an opening. He lead me in a small cramped room a crafting table, Furness, and a red wool bed. 

He lead me down spiral stairs into a huge opening. Standing in the middle of it was..... Wilbur. 'So he has been down here the whole time' I thought I really did feel stupid. "Tubbo why did you bring a deer down here? " Will asked. "Because he didn't try to run away and look how cute he is" Tubbo said talking to me with a soft baby voice. I just looked at him in shock, he is betraying schlatt. 'I have to tell hi-' my thoughts were intrupted by the one and only tommyinnit. "TUBBO YOU BROUGHT A FUCKING DEER DOWN HERE THAT IS SO COOL!! " Tommy yelled. 

"TECH COME LOOK AT THE DEER TUBBO BROUGHT! " He yelled. 'Wait tech... As in techno blade!?' My face dropped as the pink haired male came out wiping his hands off.  Tommy came over to me and started to pet me on the back. 'I have to tell schlatt what I found out. He might not believe that his first hand man is betraying him but I must tell him' I thought as I looked for a way out. The only way out was up the stairs. I felt another pair of hands on my back. That startled me knowing that those hands belong to techno blade. I quickly jump away having the rope slip away from tubbo's hands. "No my deer :(" Tubbo said. 

I ran to the stairs only to have a large weight put on my back. I look back wide eyed but relaxed when I see it was only Tommy. I quickly jump up taking him by surprise. He was thrown off of my back and onto the floor with a 'thud'. I ran up those stairs so fast I could otherwise hear faint voices as they were talking in surprise helping Tommy up. I pushed through the dirt walls running back to Marburg. I made it to the path in my deer form sprinting down to  schlatt's office or 'throne'. Right as I got there I turned back into my human form only showing my ears and horns. I burst into his office. 

SCHLATT pov (new pov ✧⁺⸜(●˙▾˙●)⸝⁺✧ʸᵃʸ) 

The door swung open reveling m/n with a lead around his neck, he looked tierd, surprised, and angry. "What is it you want" I sneered. I held his gaze as quackity laughed in the background. "Can't you see I'm busy? " I asked. "Not important, I have worse news " He said. I held his gaze quackity sneered something in the background. "Tubbo has been going to see Wilbur and Tommy. I followed him outside of Marburg to there Hideout." He said with a blank expression. "Haha very funny, but tubbo his right hand man would never. Or why else would he take the job? " Quackity piped in. "I don't know, but I know what I saw" Y/n said his voice layered with anger. 

"It sounds like your trying to make panic, or maybe cover your self up. Or maybe you are the traitor. " I said his eyes narrowed, his gaze never leaving mine. To be honest his gaze sends chills up and down my spine. "They also have techno blade on there side, I seen him walk out of a room." He said. I glared at him not fully convinced. Quackity left the room through the back door from the intense gazes. I stood up and started to walk towards him, his ear twitched curiously. I pushed him back into the door and said "I don't care what you say or think! Tubbo is loyal to me, for you I don't care you are nothing to me, got that! " He looked at me wrinkling his nose he pushed me back, that took me my surprise. 

"IF I WAS LYING WHY WOULD I COME HERE TO TELL YOU, WHY DO YOU THINK I FOLLOWED YOU ALL THE WAY HERE? I CAN EASILY OUT YOU IN EVERYTHING I COULD HAVE LEFT YOU BUT NO I STAYED. I STAYED FOR YOU! " He yelled I felt my ears drop down. He pushed me farther until I stumbled on my desk. His eyes looking into mine. It felt if he could look through me and into my soul, I never seen him this angry. The worst part was that he was right, he could easily kill me. He tilted his head his horns on my neck. I put my hands in the air. "O-ok I believe y-you" I managed to get out. 

He looked up our eyes meeting each other's, his e/c eyes looking into my brown hazelnut ones. I felt scared, sad, and angry. I felt tears pricking the rim of my eyes, as I bit my tounge to hold back the tears. His face softened a little bit. "I'm sorry for yelling at you, I should have watched my temper. " He said I could hear the worry in his voice. "It's fine, I should be sorry for not believing you or angering you. " I said 

I felt arms wrap around my waist as I get pulled into a warm hug. I nussle my face into his chest, as we rock back and forth. He silently hummed a tune, it was relaxing. "You know what, I have an idea, what if we celebrate a festival. " He said "what? " I said as I looked up into his e/c eyes. "Well tubbo betrayed you so I say we take one of his canon life. " He said. I couldn't help but smile at the idea of taking one of someone's life away. "How will we do it? " I ask " We will use per pressure on techno blade. You know how he is. " He said in I nod a response into his chest. "We will put Tubbo in a box and he won't be able to get out. Than we use techno to kill him. " He said a little to happy. 

I nod a response again, I can't help smiling at the idea. 

I can't wait 

😀🌝 hello my fellow reader simps. Remember I do take requests. I have a Wilbur one shot coming up but I usually update slow and it is 12:50 right now so I need sleep for I have school tomorrow I will write in my free time. Y'all remember to drink water, eat some food and get enough sleep. Love you all❤💗

- Max 

Words: 1245

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