Sweet but crazy

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Description: you are a wolf hybrid,  it is normal  in this au, the world is peaceful.  But... what happens if your lunch  turns out to be a boy? Hehe :)

Request: NO BUT I WAS ☆inspired ☆



I was walking through the woods my paws lightly hitting the ground, I was hunting  but not really. See I was looking for a midnight  snack but I had little hopes, cause nothing  is really  out at midnight. 

Clank Clank Clank

My ears tilted towards  the sound, it was a garbage can hitting the ground. I could easily  find out what(or who) did it. I lowered my body to the ground slowly making my way over the the rustling sounds. I got to the edge  of the drass looking right at the garbage  that was tipped over, a fluffy tail bounced up over the opening. I lowered  my tail to keep out of sight, my pupils turning into slits as I watches the raccoon jump up on the can.

Saliva filling my mouth as I watched the coon (raccoon, coon for short :>). I inhaled  his sent, taking it all in as I tighted my muscles,  ready to spring at him. All of a sudden  he turned  and looked directly where I was, shit. His masked face only showed fear as I jumped  out of the grass I was hidding in. He took off running  making me only grab trash that he was holding, 'fucking raccoon' I thought. 

I began to run after him easily caught up to him, I nipped at him getting only fur, he squeaked as i did so. All of a sudden  he stopped  makeing me stop, so i couldn't  run past him. I slowly  walked towards  him, growling as he dared try to run away. A sharp pain in the side of my neck  sent me rolling back a bit, I looked up to see the coon was a BOY. 'SHIT I CANT HUNT OTHER HYBRIDS' i thought  in a panic. 

He was holding a rock smeared  with blood, blood? I looked down to see that the asshole cut my neck,  not deep but enough to hurt. I dropped  down in a laying position saying I give up. I slowly turned into my  hybridm(so showing your ears and tail). The boys face went pale as he realized  that he almost got eaten by a wolf hybrid. "Sorry" i said my ears dropping down. "I didn't know you were a hybrid, please forgive  me" i said looking up to him from my sitting position.  "Well if you didn't  know then i forgive  you" the boy said.

"Names Tommy, by the way " he started  as we sat in a long uncomfortable silence.  "M/N" i said blankly "my names M/n"  

Time skip (you and tommy become  friends  and started meeting each other at the ally you found him at)

Tommy's Pov

I sat down waiting  for m/n to show up, we have been seeing  each other  for a while  now. I heard a small bark indicating  that he was here. "M/n your late" i said as I wrinkled my nose at the smell of blood. "M/n?" I aked.

A bigger wolf stepped  out of the bush, that was not m/n, the wolf had blood dripping down from his mouth , like he had either just eaten something or killied something. My ears dropped as i slowly backed away. I heard  another growl from behind me i turned  around to see another  wolf. A few more stepped  out, it was a pack! I thought

Im going to die.

Y/n pov

I seen my old pack tracking  down animals, they were making  there way to tommys spot. Shit. I ran trying to get there first.  I let out a small bark trying to tell tommy, but i felt a big weight  on my back as I fliped on my back facing  the victim.  


"Bone, get off of me" i said, bone was my old friend.  "Im sorry but I cant let you get in the way of the pack"  he said showing his fangs. "Bone, this is a command" i said baring my fangs "your not the alpha here, M/n" he said as he got off of me but went into fighting  mood. "So you want to fight, i could go for some revenge" i stated as i remembed the time he betrayed  me.

We circled each other,  he took the first move wich that was a advantage  for me. I leaped back at him, easily knocking him down tearing at his belly. His blood covered  my claws as ripped his organs out, grabing his heart as i pulled it out of his body. (Sorry I got carried away :>)

My eyes only showed anger, that when i remembered  tommy. I gave a huff of air as i started to run faster then before, heart in my mouth.

I heard  growling  before me as i speed up, i broke into the clearing  just in time as all the wolves stoped as i made my way to tommy, pushing them out of my way. I spit out the heart looking at the alpha.  "You...you killied him" he said in disbelief " he betrayed  me remember  old hag" i said with a snarl. The others growled back at me. I felt tommy crawl on my back, he was shaking. "Now if you please, i will be on my way" i said "your not going anywhere castaway" (dont even)

I then took of running, Tommys  claws digging into my skin. I ran faster as i heard claws right behind me. "COME BACK HERE M/N" i heard someone say, i just kept running.

I ran and ran

And ran

And ran...

Until no more wolves followed...

I stoped at a small apartment it was abandoned  but it was hime for me. "Thankyouthankyou thankyou" tommy repeatedly said. I let out a low chuckle as i felt him make his way off of my back. "Its only a matter  of time before they find us" i said closing  the door, after turning back.

Tommy was back in his human form looking around the small room. "Is thus where you live" he said indicating  to all of the dog treats. "Yes" i said with a smile. He looked at me for a second then grabbed a rag and walked towards me. He gently  wiped  the blood off of my face. 

"Thanks" i said as we made eye contact. He nodded in response,  he walked back to the couch  and sat down. I walked over and sat next to him, he then laid his head down on my lap. I tensed  up but slowly  calmed down. My hands played  with his hair as he started purring

Purring? (Yes racoons make this sound that is close to a purr sound :> 

I laughed as he became flustered,  saying that wasn't supposed to happen  and you never heard that. We stayed  like that before I felt him sit up androll on the floor, "goodnight" he said "no your not sleeping on the floor" i said sternly 

I turned into my wolf form mentioning  him to come here. He turned into his coon form and layed on top of me. We fell asleep  like that.

I promise  tommy

I'll keep you safe

No matter what 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~part 2?

Ayoooooo sorry ive been gone for soooo long I have like 6 drafts that i need to finish :)

Daliy reminder: 

Make sure to drink some water for Dream

Eat some food for George

And get some sleep for me :>

Proofread: no

Words: 1264!!!

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