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Request: nope

DESCRIPTION: instead of Tommy getting stuck in the prison you do, dream almost beats you to death but Sam checked the cameras first. You now suffer from separation anxiety. 

⚠: Blood, Gore, abuse: if you are uncomfortable with these you may skip⚠


Y/n pov 

I was walking to the prison, to see the one and only dream.  Me and him never get along that well but I had to tell him that George had dreamXD for now. I know you are thinking.. 'Why can't someone else do it?' See I've tried to get George to do it himself but that ended up almost getting killed sooooo... Nah. 

But on the bright side I got to go see Sam! Me and Sam have been friends for a long time but I get butterflies when he talks to me. Ughh I hate emotions. 

Oh I made it to the prison already!? That was a short walk, if I don't say so myself. I walked right in not knowing what I had to do. I felt a big pare of hands on my shoulders, pushing me to the wall. I look up quickly pulling out my sword in the process, only to see Sam. He was looking down at me his crystal blue eyes starring into my shiny e/c ones. I felt my face heat up understanding the pose we were in, he must have noticed too, because the grip on my shoulders was gone. 

"S-sorry y/n I thought you were someone else" Sam stuttered covering up his face. "N-no I should have warned you before coming" I stated. It fell into a awkward silence, you could basically cut it. "Sooo" Sam started. "What are you going here? " he asked me.  𝘙𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘐 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘸𝘩𝘺 𝘐'𝘮 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦. I almost face palmed, "right, I was coming here to tell dream something." I said plainly. He hummed a response and motioned for me to follow him. 

Time skip (after all that stuff you finally reach dreams cell) 

The moving platform made its way over to dreams cell as I was brought closer to him.  My nerves were on end the whole time. As the platform moved it was met with a cell I looked up for once and seen dream staring at me. Honestly it sent shivers down my spine. "Hello Dream" I started he looked happy to see me. "Hello" he said blankly, the blocks that separated us now we're gone as I stepped into his cell. "Soo why are you here? " he asked trying to make conversation. 'Should I tell him, would he get angry at me? ' thoughts swarmed in my head, "Well.... " I started "I was just... I wanted to get to know you better" 'shit' the lie slipped out of my teeth. Dream frowned a little (he has his mask off) "wasn't Tommy going to visit me? " he asked "oh yea, but he decided not to" I beamed. 

All of a sudden a loud bang came from outside of the cell, I looked over at dream "what was that!? " I asked he looked worried. I walked up to the lava I could just make out Sam's voice it came muffled "dang thing w.... I can't.... Y/n stuck in....... " my eyes widened as I realized I was stuck in here. I turned around to dream telling him what I heard. 

Time skip~~~~

Dreams pov 👀

I was telling y/n about my childhood before the wars and stuff, I was surprised he was interested. Tho I could feel like he wasn't telling me something, I had a plan spark up. 'If I can get him to trust me I can get him to help me out'  a big smile crept on my face :)

"You know I'm thinking no one cares" I started "what? " he asked his face already showed worry. 'This will be easy..'  " well if someone cared about you, or me they would have came" his face dropped " its hard to get people to trust you, that will be there forever" I walked towards him as he looked down "b-but I know people care about me..... I think" I gave him a hug to 'comfort' him. "It's ok I'll be there for you, I always will" I said into the hug. "Thank you" he said as he hugged me back, I just smiled. 

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