Thats my son!

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Description: Basically your phils older brother Tubbo's dad that took care of him after jshlatt left him.  You are part crow as well but you just have bigger wings :> Just a thought I came up with at 1:26 am. :> 

Request: no (still open)


Y/n pov

I was doing my normal routine 

• Wake up

• Get ready for the day

• Work on bee farm

• Garden 

• Care for the animals

• relax or do somehting eles

But I hurt more as I am getting older, ever since tubbo left I have to do more work then I usually do.

I heard a familiar caw

'One of phils crows? What did he want?' I thought as I listened  to the birds caring telling me danger.

My heart dropped, tubbo? I opened my wings asking the crow for directions,  they simply  flew off. I rushed my wings to the ground the movement  pushing me up with lots of force. The wind rushing through my hair, my eyes blinking the tears away as I flew after the crow easily catching up.

What felt like hours of flying,  (even though  it was like 3 minutes) We finally  made it. The sight was terrible, people gathered around a base of what looked like a thrown? A recognizable pink hair male standing  with a pickaxe in hand blood on slight corners. Then there was a box, yellow, concrete. I caught sight of jshlatt the evil man who abandoned his son, the man who abused  his son, THE MAN I ALMOST  KILLIED. 

I dived down, "THATS MY SON" people looked up shocked. Techno  pulled out a crossbow that had firesticks (fireworks) connected  to the strings.  "NOOO-" I was cut off as a loud boom was heard, a side of maniac laughing. The yellow concrete  unharmed  by the explosion  but the boy was. Blood. Lots of it. From my boy. My. Son. Technoblade turned around shooting  the fireworks at the people in the crowd. I stopped at glided for a few seconds before I seen a arrow red papered firework fly right at me. A pain shot through my wings, retrieving them instantly. I began falling.

"We leave!" 

That's what I heard then the sound of a trident slinging passed. 














I finally  stood up my ears ringing, head pounding, and my vision blurry.  I started walking/limping to.. I don't know. Voices were heard through my foggy ears. I climbed up to the big podium.  

There he is. My son. I walked right past tommy and stepped into the cage. I looked at tommy as his mouth moved but no words, tears blured my vision as I grabbed tubbo. "Dad..?" Was the only word I heard "shhh" I cooed (?) "It hurts.." the pain in his voice was to much for me. "I know, I know" I gently moved his hair away from his face, it revealed half of his face gone or bloody, so to scar. "Oh.. my boy" hot tears left my eyes.

"Dad please...dont...cry" he managed to say between gasps. I grabbed  a healing position  I had randomly in my inventory, putting the glass to his mouth.  "Drink" I said tipping it slightly.  Luckily he drank. I looked down at him as he fell fast asleep. 

"I will get revenge"

"I don't care if I die"



"so jshlatt be ready, technoblade be prepared"

"You just started another war"

I'm tierd gn <3

Two posts :0

Daily reminder but different 

Remember to take care of your self for me <3

I'll  try to post tomorrow  but I have school so idk if I will.

Words 600

Max out ♡

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