Technoblade ❤

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Request by: @tukang-halu213 (sorry if I can't get it to light up) 

Top: techno

Bottom: M/N

Description: Irl Minecraft. You live with techno blade you help him through the voices but what happens if he can't calm down? Also the blade is also your boyfriend 🙃💅

⚠ this page is not proof read so pls tell me if any mistakes are made ⚠


YOUR POV--------

I climbed down the latter to met technoblade. 

"Tech!!! " I yelled as I jumped into his arms

No response

"Babe" I asked as I look up to his face, his face was blank. That's when I realized where is Tommy? I looked around him seeing if Tommy was behind him or not..... no. 

"Tommy betrayed me... " He said blankly

My face dropped instantly I could see his eyes turn a little red, oh no. 

"Tech I want you to focus on me ok, now look into my eyes. Everything is fine" I said as I made him look into my eyes. He didn't calm down he started to get mad as he dropped me. I landed on my back as I hissed slightly with pain. 

He walked over to his chest and started to talk to himself. I seen him grab a sword from the chest. My eyes widen as I jumped up off of the ground and walk over to him. I know what he was doing, it was the voices,  they always want 'BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD' OR 'REVENGE'. His eyes are red dark red, I felt scared I never seen them this bad. 

"Techno no" I said sternly blocking him from getting out of the door way. 

I pushed against his chest, I was not going to let him out he can't just go on a killing spree. I looked up to see his face eye were dark red looking right at me, his ears forward. I exhaled think what should I do he has never had these dark red eyes. I thought of an idea I read in books about it, I couldn't help but blush at the idea. I looked up at him closeing the distance between our lips. I kissed him passionately I closed my eyes hopeing just hopeing it would work. 

I felt cold hands on the sides of my face as I felt him lean into the kiss, deeping it. The kiss didn't last long witch made me whine but I looked up to see him smiling. 

"Thank you" He said in his deep motioned voice

I just hugged him, that was all I needed a hug but I still wanted that kiss👁👄👁 he hasn't been home all day and just now I felt needy. I looked back up and took another chance. I connected the space between out lips again. 

This was going to be fun~. 

Techno pov---------(yay new pov🙃) 

M/n kissed me again I let the sword drop to my feet as I kissed him back. I was very greatful that he helped me, I mean like he always does. He all of a sudden moaned in the kiss, I felt my face heat up. I pulled away from the kiss, as he let out a whiney sound. 

"Why did you moan in our make out session? " I asked as I felt my face heat up and he moaned again. 

"Like that~? " He asked with a devilish smile

I got the idea what he was trying to do.  'So he wanted to play now~' I thought 

I picked him up and put him down on the counter top. I started to kiss him on the neck earning small moans from the older/younger/other. I slide my hands up his shirt taking it off as I continued kissing his neck. He all of a sudden moaned out louder I must of hit his sensitive spot. I threw his shirt down a took mine off as well. I watched as he looked me up and down, I couldn't help but smile know that he must like it. I moved down and started kissing down his body all the way to his V-line marking him with purple kisses. 

I unbuckled my pants as so did he, soon we were in our boxers I couldn't help but notice the small bulge in his. I slowly slide my boxers off and stepped out of them I took his off too. He let out a small moan as I just brushed his bulge. I put out my fingers signaling him to suck them, he took him in his mouth greedly and coating the in his siliva. 

I turned him over after taking my fingers out of his mouth, I pushed one finger in his hole. He let out a loud moan. I moved my finger around and soon I had two fingers, three fingers. 

"S-stop te-teasing me" he let out a soft moan

"Fine but are you ready for me~" I asked

He nodded greedly, as I pulled my fingers out of him he let out a moan of losing pleasure. I lined up my dick against his hole and slowly put my tip in. He flung his head back and let out a slutty moan. He move a little signaling for me to go all the way in. I moved my hips a little until I was all the way in, I seen little tears pricking his eyes. But he quickly blinked them away. 

"Are you ready? " I asked 

He nodded as he moved his hips a little bit again. I started slow swaying my hips in and out he let muffled moans out as I started speeding up. 

"Ah-H faster h-harder, o-h techno you f-eel soO goOd" He moaned out witch made me speed up on how he said my name. 

I was moving a good speed rate now I let him take me all in, as he kept moaning my name it turned me on more. I started thrusting by taking out and slamming back in. He was falling off so I put his legs over my shoulder and balancing him again.  

Al of a sudden he moaned really loud and said "right there" I knew I hit his prostate so I angled myself as kept thrusting the same place. 

"I'm cl-ose te-techno" He moaned out. 

He moaned out as he flung his head back, I watched as his eyes rolled back and he came all over our chests. 

"Good-- boy" I managed to say between grunts. 

I felt my self getting close so I speed up I felt my thrusts getting sloppy. I rolled my eyes back and pushed into him as I felt myself twitch as I came inside of him. 

"Was that good?" I said panting

He nodded as opened his mouth but nothing came out. I pulled myself out of him and picked him up. 

"Come on let's take a shower" I said as I walked back in the bathroom with him. 

"Yea that sounds nice" He replied

A/n ya simps

         Chapter one finished

Have a good day/night/afternoon remember to drink water and eat something

I love y'all so much give me some more requests remember I do update slowly but I hope I can get it done

Get some sleep unlike me😀

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