Off stream cuddles~<3

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Description: Your erets secret  boyfriend and you had a long day at work.

Request: no (open)


Erets pov 👀

I just got done saying my goodbyes to everyone, and thanking everyone for joining the stream. I ended stream  then turned off my PC. As I leaned  back on my chair I heard a soft click of a front door, signaling that my boyfriend was home.

"You still streaming love" M/n softly said by my door "No, you may come in" i said back matching his tone. A deep chuckle was let out on the other side and the taller male walked in. (fuck off im making you taller)

He looked tierd, his eyes dropping on to mine as I opened my arms, indicating I wanted to cuddle. He quickly took the chance but grabing me and sitting me on his lap. I leaned my head against his chest, slightly falling asleep.

I woke up the rest of the way as M/n was playing with my hair, slightly getting angry as his fingers got tangled in one of my hair knots (idk what do you call them)

We stayed like that until I asked to go the the living room. He nodded and picked me up bridle style, carrying me the the couch.  "How was your day babe" I asked gently knowing he had a rough day. He gently laid me on top of him as I curled up on his chest. "It was terrible, first not only did I turn in the paper work for MY project but also my teammates. Then they got all the credits and not once did they tell the boss that I did there work." He said a little to calmly

I just nodded response. I let out some weird/cute noises  as he started to massage my shoulders. "How was your stream love?" He asked "it was good, no lore this time. And I got a lot more followers on twitch!" I said happily

Y/n pov

"It was good, no lore this time. And I got more followers on twitch!!" Eret said as she smiled widely. 

"I happy for you, are you free tomorrow?"  I asked not knowing their schedule for her streaming. "I don't think so I'm sorry " they replied.  "Oh no its OK babe. I was just wondering  when you wanted to go out for some ice cream." I simply  replied. 

"Well I could postpone my stream until next week" they said with a devilish  smile. I let out a chuckle, which turned out into a pit full of laughter.  

"I love you"

"I love you more"

This was short im sorry for my absence school is a kick in the ass.

Daily reminder 

• Drink water 

• Eat some food

• And go get some sleep for me <3

Max out ○•●

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