New Year Kiss (dream team)

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Let's just get into it... 



I was right now in New York, in a huge crowd watching a ball drop with my crush.


We both were covered in Happy New year shit, hats, confetti, and necklaces. The clock was huge, right in front of us both. People all around us were screaming in joy. Hurt my ears but I had better plans. Grabbing his hand I jumped up and down in excitement. 

Only 1 minute left! 

He looked down at your hands, before smiling. A pink tint covered our faces, I lightly squeezed his hand, he squeezed back. 

The countdown started


I quickly remembered all the times I spent with him


The cuddles that were "part of the plan"


All of the streams together

All the flirting jokes


All the late night calls


All of the off stream moments

holding his hand, speaking off our grip has tightened

The close face ups


The "awkward moments"


All of a sudden he pulled me closer to him

The fireworks went off, and cheers were here all around me. 

All my foucus was on dream, he held me close looking at me before.. 

Leaving his face inches away from mine. He slowly closed the gab between our lips. The kiss was soft and full of love. He grabbed my wrist pulling me closer, deepening the kiss. 

We eventually pulled away, I was speechless. He looked down at the ground almost shamefully. A bright blush spreads across my face. Looking at him, hopefully he looked back. But he didn't,  starring at the ground, that's when I seen it. 

A single tear dropped from his face. Quickly grabbing his hand I looked into his eyes, his green eyes we're red just the slightest. 

"Hey, what's wrong? " I asked slowly

"I j-just thought you would h-hate me after. " he said stuttering the slightest. 

I leaned against his body, taking in his heat.

"I could never hate you" I said calmly. I then grabbed his hand squeezing it slightly

"If you want, we can talk about this at home. " I calmly requested

He nodded his head leaning his head on mine. 

Dream is a good man, with a kind heart. But sometimes not every thing nice is good. 

End of dreams 


Sapnaps Pov

I never thought I would ever see him in real life, get here he is. In my living room eating popcorn while watching a movie. Nothing much for new years, but for me it meant the world. Y/n was a man everyone wanted, but he is mine ❤. 

I sat down next to him on the couch, he leaned against my shoulder. Wrapping my arms around him in return made him go all red faced. 

I giggled at his response. 

"Oi, shut up" he said covering his face with his hands. 

"Awwww did I make N/n embarrassed~? " I taunted

He grabbed my hands and pulled me closer to him. Now it was my turn to be flustered, a deep red brushing across my face. 

"Awwww did I make my sippy cup flustered~? " Y/n responded

I grumbled as I tried to cover my face, but he was stronger than me. "Hey look at me" he said almost commanding me to do so. 

I starred into his e/c eyes, looking at his lips before looking back up. 

Y/n smirked at my actions, as he pulled me closer to him. Me now fully on top of him, flustered, and despite having a big crush on him, IT DIDN'T HELP >={

He then pulled me into a long lasting kiss, I tensed up at first. I slowly melted into the kiss, his hands traveling up my shirt. I gasped at the sudden movement, causing his tounge to slid into my mouth. 

His tounge exploring my mouth, he finally pulled away. Leaving me gasping for air. 

"Looks like this is going to me a long night~" he said into my ears

Fuck I thought

End of sapnap-

George's turn-

Y/n pov

Right now I was with George at the park sitting on a hill. A pattern blanket layed across the ground beneath us. George was extremely proud that he brought me out here, I normally wasn't the easiest to handle when it comes to things like this. 

Me and George were already dating, for almost a year now so it will be nice to celebrate our hear together. I watched as people lit fireworks, running away from them to watch from afar. 

I grabbed George's face and kissed him, just lightly. He giggles is response, ugh no matter what his giggles are always cute. 

"I love you dickhead" I said as I kiss George's face over and over

"I love you too asshole" he said kissing me back

End of George's 


Ahhhh I'm alive !!!! 

And Happy new year 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇

Hope y'all had a great day 

And I will be updating more, special thx to the kind folks who requested

Words: 808

Ok OK terrorinnt out-

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