"He's my blue" part 2 👀

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Ayooo I'm back, sorry family problems but I'm back. Some of you guys wanted part two on this so here you go (honestly I'm just thinking of more stories right now) 

⚠️warnings: blood, death, ?gore? ⚠️


Wilburs pov

I looked around the blown up nation I spotted phild standing there with soul sand in his hands. 'Was he apart of this!' I thought with horror "Phil... ?" I asked he slowly turned around (sorry I can't remember what happened my Brian hurts) it then hit me as I looked at his house that was blown to pieces. "Di-d.. You.. Y-/-n.... Friend?... " I stuttered "oh.. " Phil started as he followed my gaze

Then we started yelling at each other.. I felt something run down my face as I wiped my sleeve across my face, it revealing a deep blue liquid. My face frozze in horror, as the liquid dropped off of my face. "He has infinite cannon lives" Phil said

" no.... No... NO...... NO HE DON'T PHIL" I screamed as I started to float down to his house. I landed on the ground and instantly ran through the boards, fallen things, broken glass..... 

I looked and looked until.... 

I seen it... 

"Y/n..?" I said ever so lightly. Looking at the poor males bloody body, uneven breaths, almost glossy eyes starring into the void called death.  "Y/N!!! " I yelled as I ran over to him pushing the boards out of my way, as I grabbed his poor fragile body. His light black nose twitching under the sudden movement. "Y/n please stay awake... For me... For me my love" I said I tears as his eyes flickered open more. E/c hues looked up at my brown/blue ones (if you want to add his blue eyes, I seen some in some fan art idk anymore) "I'm tired ghost-bur" he said with a hiss of pain, I smiled as my blue tears fell down my face as I cried into his sweater. "Please stay awake for me at least" I said with pain. He took a long breath in then let it out fast, as he started to cough up blood but the blood was filled with blue sparkles. I then turned him over to see the most horrifying thing ever. 

Stuck in his ribs was a board, in fact a long skinny board that cuts through his body. "I'm... I'm afraid ghost-bur.... I'm afraid I'm.. Not going to make it" he said with tears. "You have too... For me... For us. " I stated, as I tilted my head to his body. "I-i can't" he said now crying into my chest "it hurts.. " he said as he lifted his head up. 

"... " I was speechless, I couldn't talk, I could help, there was nothing I could do. Y/n grabbed my hand putting something in it, I looked down to see the necklace I gave him that held a blue crystal. "Don't forget-- it o-ok? " he said bearly above a wispper. 

"I won't" I said as I put it over my head it laying perfectly on my neck. "He-hey, it's ok" he said as he brung his hand up to my face weakly. "It was never ment to be" he said as his hand fell down with a thud. All of a sudden flashes of white flashed before my eyes, that saying I have heard it before. 

".... " 

~~(ha you thought it was done, no suffer my simps 😀😀😀) 

Time skip ( this was some what requested from kiwi_the milkshake, one of my friends) 

You had the biggest grave ghostbur could have thought of... 

No ones pov

Ghostbur hides away from everyone blaming himself for what happened to you. 

Philza tries to ack like nothing happened, but he too blames himself


Ghostbur pov

I was laying down outside in the grass watching the stars, y/n like the stars. I closed my eyes "there pretty aren't they" a deep voice said from behind me. I opened the as I sat up looking in the direction of the voice, there stood technoblade watching the stars. 

I layed back down as the taller joined me "I'm sorry that friend or this y/n guy died cause of my actions" he stated. As tears filled my eyes I said " there wasn't anything to do about it, it was my fault he died, I left him with Phil" 

"No big thing but who was this y/n dude to you? " technoblade asked 

"... "

"He's my blue"



Hello my fellow simps I did it, I'm back sorry for the long break. Anyway daily reminder is here:

Remember to:

Drink some water

Eat some food

And get some sleep

(Special task today: touch some grass, then tell me your favorite animal, food and color😀no reason at all😁) 

Ok max out 👀

Requests are still open!! 

Words 803!! 

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