<Chapter 1>

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I sat on the cold, damp floor of my even colder, 10 ft by 10 ft. solitary cell The only light i have is from the small, 2 ft wide window covered with 3, 3 inch bars to my right at about 6 inches from the ceiling. The cieling is a solid 8 foot tall and cold, hard stone just like the rest of what surrounds me. With my back agianst the wall, and my knees up, i jerked at the rusty chains and the cuffs around my wrists chaining me to the wall as i hummed the tune of a song my dad would sing to me before bed when i was younger.

My wrists burn with pain at how tight they put them on me this time.

As i sat there, in my ripped and dirty skinny jeans, stained dark green short sleeved shirt, and my black ripped leather jacket, and rugged, and worn black boots that i have worn for God knows how long. I picked at my finger nails and tried to stop the long, deep, horizontal cut down the top of my right thigh from forcing me to bleed to death i got yesturday from one of the gaurds.

It's been almost 5 years since i have actually seen the world. By the way everybody talks, i don't wanna know what the world looks like. At least 10 new people get thrown in here everyday that i've seen. When i'm out of this hole anyway.

It's been 2 days since i've seen food, well the crappy slope, that can't possibly be considered even a thing, that they call food. But yesturday i did sneek a shower.

Can you believe that was what got me back in here?

I needed a shower. I snuck one in the middle of the night, and i got caught. And thrown back in this solitary hole for the dire need of cleanliness. Bull. It is bull.

        5 years ago, the world was, in two words, Almost Perfect. Where i lived was quiet, nice, and everybody Loved eveybody. And also, Almost Perfect. It was always sunny, and happy. The air was just Happy feeling.

Then the Darkness came.

Men with no faces, in all grey with and machine guns came and destoryed Everthing.

They shot so many people. Burned every home in my town. With out saying a word the whole time. My aunt made me hide in the closet of her bedroom, behind some shoe boxes in the corner. She closed the door, and never came back to get me.

Instead, within 3 minutes i heard 4 shots and a body calapse to the floor right beside the closet. And then the Men came bursting through the closet doors, and jerked me out of the closet by my long Bronze hair, dragging me down the stairs, and out the door. I was dragged through my aunt's blood, and screamed and kicked the whole way. When i got outside, i saw a glimpse of the ruble, and the fire, and the bloody bodies, and before i knew it, i had a bag over my head, and was knocked out cold. I was 15, and that was the Last time i saw my home town.

What a way to remeber the only place you felt safe.

        All of the sudden, i heard someone coming from outside the 3 lock, iron door. I jumped a little when the door burst open after a few moments. I looked to my left, as The tall, broad man, i know all to well in yet agian, all grey. His black hair, cut like a Marine, stood up from his skull. His black shades covered his eyes all of the time, for as long as i have been here, i have never known what his eyes look like. I've always imagined them being a hard, dark color, honestly just a menising as the rest of him. But i don't think i'll ever know. I at least know he's human. The only skin you see, is the skin on his strong face, that is very tan, so i'm pretty sure with his haircut, and coplextion, he's been oversees sometime in his life.

        "Well hello Gorgious! How are you on this fine, crappy day?" i sarcasticallly smiled up at him. "How long's it been since i saw you last? What? Six or so hours ago since my last beating? Because i was screaming for some water." I said as he bent down in front of me to maybe take my cuffs off.

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