f o u r

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seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours, and hours turned into days. days turned into weeks and it was now time for kosume to head to her mission.

she managed to recollect her thoughts and convince herself that she could do it, but when she saw mahito's state, she was petrified.

she knew that mahito was stronger than her no matter what geto or the others said, and the fact that mahito came back all beat up and on the verge of death frightened her.

after mahito recovered - thanks to her herbs - he told her all about what happened.

from itadori breaking through his domain from the outside, to nanami and his precision. all about junpei and itadori's loss. she took itadori's loss to her advantage, she could use this as a way to closer herself to him by sympathizing with him.

she had her whole mission planned out. she spent her sleepless nights planning on every move. she even spent some nights without a single minute of sleep and her very own herbs didn't help her.

* * *

"i'm heading out." kosume announced to the group and left before any of them could say a word.

she walked down the empty gray halls which made her feel nauseous, but again the moment she stepped out everything was back to normal.

she walked down the empty side walk until she made it to the main road. mahito previously told her that itadori would be near the main river under the kofu bridge.

she didn't take her sweet time to get there, the more she talked with yuuji the more she could gain his trust, so every second mattered.

after 15 minutes she arrived at her destined location and saw a boy in a jujutsu tech uniform.

she slowly approached him, walking down the stairs, while holding down her skirt from the wind.

"are you alright there boy?!" she called out.

kosume had a long spring dress on, with a straw hat complimenting her looks. even though her white hair was a throwback, she didn't mind.

she had a box with strawberry cheese cakes in it in one hand, while her other hand held down her skirt.

yuuji turned around with a darker shade of gray; which she assumed was him having red, swollen eyes, and a pained expression. it almost made her feel guilty for trying to manipulate him, but a mission was a mission.

she walked over to him and sat down next to him and started conversing, "is everything alright?"

yuuji wiped his eyes and said, "i'm alright." with a sniff following behind.

kosume scooted closer to him and pulled him into a long hug.

to be honest itadori yuuji was taken aback from the sudden affection from a stranger but soon melted into her touch and hugged her back.

he felt his eyes tear up again as he started sobbing into her arms. kosume didn't mind at all, she kept hugging yuuji like a mother would to her saddened child.

she stroked his back, while resting her lips on his head.

after a while of crying itadori broke the hug and calmed himself down.

"i'm sorry... i ruined your dress." itadori said as he pointed at kosume's wet shoulder.

she let out a chuckle and said, "you shouldn't worry about this. it's nothing."

itadori sniffed and looked back into the river and said, "my friend died.. and i couldn't protect him..."

kosume made a pained expression and said, "i'm so sorry for your loss."

yuuji made her feel a certain way. she felt calm in his presence. and yuuji felt felt same. she felt like she could tell him anything, which led her to slowly forget about her mission and sleepless nights of planning.

"i know it's hard to lose someone you love and i know how it feels. and it's worse when you know that you could've done something." kosume quietly said.

itadori nodded and said, "have you lost anyone miss?"

"yeah..." kosume sighed, "i lost my mother at the age of 4."

itadori's eyes widened as he said, "i'm sorry for asking."

kosume looked at him and smiled. "don't worry about it. i'm over it. also would you like some strawberry cheese cake?"

kosume could see sparks appear in itadori's eyes. she opened the box and handed him a spoon and he started eating.

"i love cheese cakes. gojo sensei like them too. he's an absolute sweet tooth." itadori said with his mouth full.

kosume let out a chuckle and said, "cheese cakes are really good. i enjoy eating them with my loved ones."

yuuji immediately stopped eating and guiltily exclaimed, "was this meant for someone else?!"

kosume shook her head and said, "my date dumped me so here i am. don't worry about it though, eat all you want."

yuuji was left speechless, he didn't understand how someone could dump someone as pretty as-

"oh right. i didn't ask for your name yet. i'm itadori yuuji." he said with a smile.

"nice to be meet you itadori. i'm kosume."

"nice to meet you kosume. may i ask how old you are? i'm 15. a highschooler at jujutsu tech."

"that's so cool. i'm already 23."

itadori let out a loud 'ooooh' before continuing his cheese cake.

"your hair is really long and really pretty." he complimented with his mouth full again.

kosume let out a soft chuckle before grabbing a centimeter thick lock of her hair and fiddling with it.

"i appreciate that, but i'll need to cut it soon. it's getting too long for my liking. i also really like your hair. i can't really see colors on objects other than flowers but i like your style. it's kinda cute."

a blush tinted itadori's cheeks and he stuffed his mouth with more cheese cake.

"well, are you waiting for anyone?" kosume asked.

itadori nodded and said, "i'm waiting for my sensei."

kosume sounded intrigued. "oh you mean the sweet tooth teacher? if so you can let him have the rest of the cheese cake."

"fortunately it isn't gojo sensei. i'm waiting for nanami sensei."

"ooh, i have a friend named hanami, she's a cute little girl, but she doesn't talk a lot."

and as if on cue, kento nanami's stoic voice called out for itadori.

"move away from her itadori." he said from up the stairs.

"huh? sensei what are you talking about?" itadori protested.

"she's a curse."

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