e l e v e n

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the white haired curse didn't get a single second of sleep last night. she spent it talking with geto about their plans, and just talking.. about life.

most of what geto said was what kosume already heard, but she didn't mind hearing him talk about it over and over again.

it was at 4 or 5 when geto decided to leave and kosume decided to get ready for the day. she went ahead and bought herself a pack of coffee as well.

the store she went to was open 24/7 which was convenient and surprisingly it had expensive products.

obviously kosume bought the biggest and the most expensive packet for herself and nanami. she really liked the color of the packet.

when she came back, she went straight to the bathroom and took a short shower. the warm water - leaning more towards the cold side - refreshed the curse and she felt like a new person when she got out.

then she headed to her room and put on a white button up shirt underneath a black, oversized sweater, with a v-neck which was clearly too big for her. but it did cover her thighs. (image above)

kosume was satisfied but decided to put on some short jeans underneath just in case.

the curse didn't do much but... she was happy. there wasn't a particular reason for her happiness.. she was just happy. it was a nice feeling as well.

when she got to the kitchen she saw the sorcerer sound asleep which was quite surprising. she'd expect him to be a bit more on guard. but here he was sleeping on his cheap futon, in his blue robe like a baby.

she couldn't help but let out a quiet laugh.

a shuffle was heard from where nanami was sleeping, which meant that he probably sensed her cursed energy so she poured some water into the kettle and turned it on.

nanami sat up after hearing the kettle whistle loudly, and he quickly got up. "good morning nanami, how did you sleep?" kosume asked as she started getting ready to make breakfast.

"good morning. i slept well." was his short and simple answer. "i'll get changed." he added as he got up and headed to the restroom.

"oh above the sink there's a cabinate and on the second shelf there are extra tooth brushes." kosume informed as she headed towards nanami's futon.

nanami thanked her and closed the bathroom door after entering it.

"i really need to get a haircut..." kosume mumbled to herself when her wet locks fell on her face.

she tugged them back behind her ears and started folding nanami's futon and placed it in the far corner of the kitchen.

right now of all times kosume wished that she had a phone. she wished she could borrow nanami's but she didn't.

the curse went back to making breakfast. the water had already boiled which was really convenient. kento nanami was still using the restroom so kosume started making toasts and put the ready ones on the table while getting the butter and other stuff out.

she unwrapped the saran wrapped sandwiches from last night and neatly placed them in front of where nanami sat last time. she looked around for the buttered potatoes but it seemed that nanami ate them all. so she made a mental note to make it for him again sometime.

kosume then placed a mug and teaspoon next to nanami's breakfast and the table was all set.

a couple minutes later namami came out of the restroom, fully dressed in his usual wear. he walked into the kitchen to see kosume's long, white, wet hair covering most of her back.

"what are the plans for today?" nanami asked as he sat down in front of the table.

before kosume had the chance to say anything nanami slightly bowed to the food and said, "thank you for the food."

this really made kosume happy. she smiled down at the coffee she made for herself and said, "i bought some coffee in the morning today. would you like some?"

nanami nodded and before kosume could make some coffee for him, he said, "don't bother. i can do it."

"oh, well okay," kosume mumbled before saying, "i have to go meet a few people, so i'm leaving my apartment in your hands. also, i talked with.. ugh... yeah... yesterday and you can go out sometimes. i mean you can go out anytime but just in case stay inside. i twisted the truth a bit, so no one will lay hands on you for the time being."

nanami lowly hummed before taking a bite of yesterday's sandwich.

"you look like you haven't slept in days."  nanami commented. he knew very well what staying up felt like. he's probably tried every shade of black under eyes while working as a salesman.

"really? do i have bags under my eyes?" kosume panicked.

nanami lowly hummed again before saying, "don't worry, they aren't that bad. it'll go away in an hour or so."

he bit into his sandwich while kosume kept panicking about the bags under her eyes.

"what're you so stressed out about. it's just a common dark circle." nanami stated.

"you don't get it. i'll look like a hypocrite, i always make people herbal tea and it helps them sleep, but here i am struggling to sleep myself. i've never had black circles before." kosume panicked further.

"you are a hypocrite." nanami stated with no remorse. kosume let out a sigh before chugging down her coffee again like last time at the cafe.

the dark brown substance was now kosume's favorite drink, but she knew that drinking it in front of the other curses wasn't going to be a smart idea.

"how's your throat?" nanami asked, trying to make small talk.

"it's all healed up." kosume said with a peace sign. completely forgetting about the little, childish tantrum she had a second ago.

nanami hummed in understanding before blowing on his coffee and taking a sip.

"so you're a foodie?" kosume observed as nanami spread butter onto the toast.

"i am." nanami easily admitted.

kosume started laughing at how cute and unexpected this fact about nanami kento was.

when she opened her eyes to see his reaction, she saw that everything was a lot brighter and colorful than it was a second ago.

"you should dry your hair." nanami stated but kosume didn't even hear that, she was too busy staring at nanami kento and how much more colorful he was.

"your hair color is so... unusual." kosume commented.

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