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the curse slapped herself when she realized what she'd just said. nanami didn't really say anything himself either.

the two just stayed silent before nanami finally spoke up, being the man he was. "i don't reciprocate those feelings." nanami truthfully answered.

"i drank." kosume lied trying to make herself look less like an idiot, but it did the opposite.

"if that's the case you should get some rest." nanami calmly suggested.

kosume nodded to herself and said, "nanami.. how do you feel about me telling you all about my plan to kill you?"

"i don't have regrets so i don't mind dying. although living a bit longer doesn't sound bad either." nanami said.

kosume didn't believe him though. it didn't seem like he was lying based on the way he talked but kosume just felt like he was lying.

"you're lying aren't you? maybe there's someone you lost, someone you could've saved? don't you regret becoming a sorcerer? always having to run around, excorcising curses, risking your live, constantly putting it on the line?" kosume exclaimed.

"i don't regret any of those, i forgave myself a long time ago." nanami said.

most of what he said was the truth, although, the death of... his old friend, did change the way he viewed jujutsu sorcerers.

"you should sleep now. alcohol isn't good for your body." nanami said as unlocked his screen, getting ready to hang up.

"nanami, thank you. sorry for wasting your time, but if you don't mind, i'd like to chat a bit more. i'd like to get to know you more." kosume said with a sad smile.

nanami hummed in approval and the two talked about many things.

"so what's your favorite food?" kosume asked.

nanami simply answered with one word, "bread," and kosume smiled before saying, "oh right, i remember you saying so."

"what do you like?" nanami quietly and hesitantly asked.

kosume thought about it before saying, "anything sweet or homemade. i'm a bit of a sweet tooth."

nanami hummed understandingly and said, "what do you think of colors? do you have a favorite one yet?"

"i'm in love with colors. they're all so pretty, it's mesmerizing. my favorite color is probably pastelle pink and dark yellow." kosume answered.

"oh, i also really like blue. any type of blue." the curse added.

again, nanami hummed understandingly and kosume asked, "what was your first impression of me?"

nanami simply said, "you were just another curse i encountered. maybe with more intelligence and speech abilities compared to the other curses, but a curse nevertheless."

kosume hummed, a bit upset with the impression she gave off, so she asked, "do you still think if me the same way?"

nanami thought for a second before saying, "i don't really think of anything right now. you're still another curse, just a bit kinder than the other ones."

kosume smiled before saying, "that's nice to hear. also, what exactly is your type?"

nanami yawned and said, "i do not plan on getting into a relationship anytime soon."

"are you scared? or are you saying that not to offend me?" kosume asked.

"none of those." nanami said and kosume smiled to herself.

"then may i know what the reason behind that is?"

nanami yawned again before saying, "i don't have time for that and i'm currently not interested in anyone."

kosume was a bit sad. she really wanted nanami to accept her feelings, but it calmed her down knowing that there was no other woman on his mind.

"understood, sorry again for wasting your time. good night nanami." kosume mumbled before kissing her screen and hanging up before nanami could give her an answer.

* * *

"good afternoon everyone, how are you hanami?" kosume asked as she sat down in front of geto at cheryl city.

"i'm a lot better. thank you kosume." hanami politely stated.

kosume nodded as she looked down. "let's get straight to the point." she said as she placed her hands on her lap.

"you seem beat up." she added after noticing mahito's wounds when she first walked in.

"oh, really? where?" mahito exclaimed as he started looking around for wounds.

"never mind.." kosume mumbled. then geto started telling them all about the plan.

he explained everyone's roles and what they'll be doing. mahito had the biggest role. he was the mirror to humanity's fear of death. it was a pretty accurate description.

kosume was going to freeze gojo using poison flower but if that didn't work, geto would appear and help. kosume then was going to eliminate nanami and do something about itadori with the others.

"understood..." kosume said after geto told her what her role was going to be.

"you understand the consequences of failing right." geto added. kosume nodded and said, "i very well understand."

geto nodded, satisfied with her answer before getting up and saying, "everything will go by plan. don't worry."

every one else nodded and geto said, "i'll go first. be ready for after tomorrow." everyone nodded and geto left the curses behind.

"you didn't bring your pouch?" jogo asked kosume. she looked down at her waist and said, "yeah, i didn't see the need for it," with an awkward chuckle.

jogo nodded and said, "from a scale from one to ten how strong do you think i am in comparison to gojo."

the first time he asked this was to geto, and geto generously gave him a 8, but kosume knew that it wasn't the truth.

"you want an honest answer right?"

jogo nodded and kosume said, "about a 6. you're strong  but gojo's on another level. 8 is an accurate rating, but the power difference is too far."

jogo looked down and said, "i'll try my best to help you and geto with all i've got."

kosume nodded and said, "i appreciate that."

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