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the two entered the kosume's apartment  and nanami's first thought was, 'this place is so cramped. how does she even manage to live here.'

"what do you think?" kosume asked as she took her sandals off, slipping her feet into some slippers. she ordered nanami to do the same, which he did.

"it's cramped." he truthfully said, to which kosume chuckled and replied with, "told you."

she walked down the hall, into the kitchen placing the sweets down and dropping to the floor. "ahhhh~~ i'm so tired!" she exclaimed with a yawn.

nanami placed the box in his hand down on the table and put the futon bag down next to the table, on the floor.

kosume smiled and sat up. "are you hungry?"

"yes." he answered sternly to which kosume smiled brightly before saying, "tell me what you want and i'll make it. don't be shy. what's your favorite food?" she asked at the end.

in reality, nanami loved bread and was a big foodie, but he hasn't really told anyone yet.

"to be honest," kosume started as she got up, "i think you have a rich flavor, something expensive?" she asked.

nanami only sat down on one of the chairs and said, "some bread."

kosume's jaws dropped when she heard that. "really?!" she exclaimed. "i have a whole cabinate of bread," she said as she walked over to a cabinate and opened it up to reveal various types of breads.

"do you want me to made some sandwiches? ooh i'd recommend having them with buttered potatoes! hold up, lemme get the ingredients ready." kosume exclaimed as she quickly washed her hands in the sink.

she dried her hands on the towel hanging on the oven handle and started pulling out a new pack of loaf.

then she headed to the fridge and pulled out all sorts of products that would go in the sandwich as well as a bag of potatoes.

nanami sat there, secretly eager to try out the food, but he knew that it could be a trap.

"you live alone right." nanami asked as kosume was washing the vegetables. she nodded and said, "yeah, but my friends visit me super often."

after washing them, she put them in a bowl and headed to nanami and sat down on a chair across him.

"if you're talking about why i have so much food, that's because i'm kinda like their food source. well, i'm obviously more than that too, but whenever one of them are in the mood to eat, they come to my place. but don't worry, they'll know not to come if they sense someone else's presence." she reassured.

nanami nodded as he observed the curse peal the potato and carrots. "do you often cook?" nanami asked.

"yeah, everyday. but we also eat out a lot. also, i never imagined carrots to be this brown." kosume said.

"they're orange." nanami said. kosume looked at him then back at the carrots and said, "really?! they still look brown to me. well that is understandable. everything's still a bit dull in my eyes, but at least it's better than gray!"

nanami didn't know what to do in this situation. all he could think of doing was staying put and not talking as much.

"is there anyone you cook for? or anyone you like eating out with?" kosume asked as she continued peeling the potatoes.

"no." nanami simply said. "well, i'm glad to be your first company!" kosume cheerfully stated.

nanami was going to say something back but decided not to.

"i think it was wrong of you to bring up junpei to yuuji... especially comparing the two." kosume brought up.

"it was for his own sake." nanami simply replied.

"you don't know how much that affected him. you should know that being a jujutsu sorcerer is hard. it was very wrong of you." kosume scolded.

"he should learn what it is to be a jujutsu sorcerer, and the feeling to lose someone." nanami calmly stated.

"why are you hiding your irritation? is there something i don't know?" kosume asked right after feeling his emotions.

"it's nothing." nanami said avoiding the topic.

"i'm sure you know what it's like to lose someone you love. so please be a bit more gentle with itadori." kosume requested sternly.

nanami ignored what she said and stared off outside the window.

kosume followed his gaze and looked out the window where the sky was starting to set. "the sky is so colorful..." she mumbled to herself before getting up and washing the cut veggies.

she threw the peels into the trash and started slicing the tomatoes into thin circles.

"my father killed my mom when i was 4. at the time i already lived for 12 years, but even then, i couldn't do anything to protect her." kosume shared. she was over it all, but sometimes it just visited her mind and made her feel guilty.

nanami didn't really know what to say. he did relate a bit from his own experiences, but wasn't planning on sharing that.

"do you think i'm a bad person?" kosume asked as she pulled out a small pan from the cabinate above her head.

nanami decided to ignore that question and asked, "what happened to you afterwards."

kosume thought about the answer before saying, "well, my father was going to kill me too but then instead he decided to leave me to sukuna. sukuna didn't really like my jujutsu so he abandoned me. kinda funny now that i think about it. from there i met my friends."

nanami thought about her words and tried sympathizing, but he didn't know what it was like to be abandoned by the ones you loved.

"well then, can you tell me a bit about yourself?" kosume asked as she spread some butter on the pan, getting ready to fry the bread.

while the butter was heating up, she cut out an X onto the top of the potatoes and pulled out a tray from inside the oven.

"there isn't anything interesting about me." nanami said. he wasn't really the type that shared things about himself, so the easiest way to avoid that question was to leave it at, 'i'm not an interesting person.'

"can you at least tell me how old you are?" kosume asked as she rolled out the foil across the tray before stacking the potatoes into 4 rows.

"27." nanami answered, earning an angelic giggle from the curse.

"so you are old." she said between chuckles. nanami regretted telling her his age. for some reason he thought that she'd forgotten about her joke from earlier.

"you're 69." he said in defense trying to shut the curse up. she smiled and said, "at least i look 23." with a smile.

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