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"You need to decide between your ego and . .her."

He didn't get any reply.

Sitting on the couch Zack had a cigarette lit between his fingers. He seemed like a statue, not moving not breathing. His arm on the back of the couch and his eyes. . .so empty.

So veiled.

Being his best friend,  Rad couldn't figure out what was happening behind those eyes? Was he even listening to him?

He needed to pull the breaks before. . .

Rad had seen—met the girl and the thought of knowing what Zack's intention were for her. .it made his skin crawl. Sure Rad had done some whacked up shit in his life but never this. This was like taking someone's life. Scaring them mentally for life.

It was something no one could undo.

While growing up with Zack, he never realized how did his best friend go so cold? So hollow?

Was it because of his barely there mother?

All the money in the world and he couldn't afford one steady relationship? Every relation was calculation for him.

Rad had had enough.

He stood up looking agitated.

He was ignored.

"You really need to pull the fuck up! Back off. Back the fuck off when you still have time! "

"I don't have that. Time."

His reply surprised him a bit. Exhausted , he went up to stand in front of him.

Zack seemed far away. Physically absent. Rad had no idea what to do what to say .

He cursed the day he placed the bet.

All he knew was.  .he had to save the girl before she further fell into the spider's web. He had seen her eyes shine at the sight of his cold friend. Rad knew about their secret meet ups. . having seen them himself.

He had to save the both of them.

Or. . .

Someone was going to get hurt.



This time Zack glanced up at him, the smog of cigarette misting around.

"Tell me what do you want?"

"Her." His tone was sure and clipped. Cold and distant.

Rad pushed his hand in his hair.

It was as clear as the daylight. Zack wasn't going to back off but it didn't mean he wasn't going to persuade him to drop his plan.

"Listen to me. You're going to ruin someone's life. Do you hear me Zack? You're going to be the cause of someone's heartbreak. You'll ruin her." Rad spaced out each word watching Zack's impassive face.

Zack glanced away , a smirk tugging at his full lips.

"She's ruining me too."


| Mia |

I was bluffing.

I was a bluffing baboon!

I was damn sure from the start that. .I loved him! I loved his entire being. The good the ugly. . everything!

It was simple.

Behind His Smile ( Boys From Hell #4)Where stories live. Discover now