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| Mia |

He left.

Just like that.

In 15 minutes, we went from being inseparable to strangers. All it took were 15 minutes for him to shatter my heart. He stomped on it not in private but in front of a crowd.

I was helping Conrad to stand on his feet but my head. . .and heart were blank. I could see his busted lips moving but I couldn't hear him. .I was looking right through him.

"—Mia? Are you listening?"

He was breathing hard and the second he touched his nose , he cursed loudly.


I didn't react to the voice from behind.

As if the world and the people I knew no longer made sense. How can one person have such an affect on me? After everything. .I wanted him and this was what hurt the most.

I felt a whoosh of air on my back and the next second I was turned around.

Emerald eyes were wild..

With worry.

Searching my face—my body . .her grip on my shoulders tightening.

"What. . what in the heaven's name. ." She whispered. " What happened?" Her voice raised shrilly.

I didn't answer.

Gloria cupped my cheeks, her eyes determined.

"Mia, look at me. Tell me what happened? Come on, brave girl." She urged me on.

I couldn't help but smile at her. An empty smile.

"Nothing happened."

She shook her head.

"I know something happened! I didn't leave you like-like this yesterday! I left you smiling. ."

I took hold of her hands in mine.

My hands were shaking slightly—Gloria noticed. She covered my hands instantly. Trying to stop them from shaking.

"If it was an happy ending , that would have been something. That would have been the answer to your question but really Glow. . . nothing happened. "

My voice was mechanical.


"Where is he?" She asked .

"Everywhere and nowhere . ."

Her eyebrows knotted together.

"What did he say?" She spaced out each word , watching me carefully.

"That I was a bet. He trapped me . I fell. End of story." My voice didn't break or waver.

Her eyes widened in shock.

"I knew it! I knew there had to be a reason he's —"

"It's sad isn't it? When girls like me are approached . . .there has to be an ulterior motive. And I. .," I laughed . .the bitterness in my heart coming out ," I didn't pay heed to that , Glow. You were right. You were always right! If a guy approach me ever again . .I have to think twice."

Gloria eyes watered.

Her eyes glistened.

"Mia. . i—"

I shook my head. "I just need space. I need—," I took a deep breath shoving down the feeling of despair ," to be alone for now. You have to understand . ."

"I do! Ofcourse I do!" She said . . blinking her eyes to eat up the water in them.

She let go of my hands.

And I stepped back.

I had to step back from everyone. From all of this. I was still in denial. I was still hoping he would come at me and . . .I had to kill that hope in me.

He lived in my heart.

And I had to kill him.


Her eyes fierce and her heart on fire. .she was moving like a storm. Ready to destroy everything in it's way.

Hair flying , eyes searching. . .she was on a mission.

She was heading towards the cafeteria. Her heels clicking on the marble floor, eyes drawn to her. . people were giving her way.

Pushing the door open, she stepped in the cafeteria.

It was the same as it always had been. Students moving around . . probably gossiping about what just happened and adding extensional juicy details.

Standing on the threshold, her eyes scanned the whole area and—

A fire erupted in her eyes.

She didn't wait then.

He was sitting beside the window. Looking like a statue . .not at all blending with his surroundings. Two girls were sitting in front of him. . trying to nurse his heart back to life by chattering but it was evidently clear.

He had zoned out.

So zoned out that he didn't notice her coming at him.

Gloria snatched a cup of pepsi from a table on the way to him and got right on his head.

The girls stopped. Looking up at her. .

Without a single word, Gloria jerked the cup on his face— girls squealed — pepsi splashed on his face— he woke up and instantly stood up as if electrocuted.

"Fucking shit!" He growled . .his hair wet . The designer shirt drenched in the liquid.

"You deserve worse than this ." Gloria's tone was brisk. Unforgiving.

His eyes glinted angrily at her.

"I can't even tell you same to you because you already have that in your life. Worse than anything. . Mia." His anger forgotten. .he smiled in pure satisfaction. . seeing her face blaze up.

She lifted a finger in warning.

"If you so much as take her name, Smith. .i'll bring hell on earth!"

"I don't take names of . .crap like her." He smirked seeing her bristling.

Gloria kept staring at him. . getting flashbacks of yesterday. Of Mia confessing her love for him. He heart breaking up for her.

"You know what, I don't believe much in praying but I pray I get to see the day when you're begging her for forgiveness and no one would be there to save you. . but her. No one would be able to put your soul at ease but her." Her voice was . .wounded. Seeing him standing and smirking. .she wished she could snatch up his face.

Burn him.

"I hate to break it to you, sweetheart but prayers work both ways. You keep asking for your lousy wish and I would ask for mine. .that is to never see her in my life again. "

Gloria nodded.

She turned around at the people watching them exchange spat.

"All of you be my witness and his. You can't go around breaking hearts and expect no harm will come your way. That's not how Karma works. That's not how God works. You should know there is no veil between the prayer of a heartbroken person and God."


Behind His Smile ( Boys From Hell #4)Where stories live. Discover now