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"Right... as a little sister."
I raised an eyebrow as I question him although I'm questioning it myself.

He sighed deeply as he face palmed.

"No. That's not right. I like you as a man would to a woman."
He corrected.

My mouth fell in shock as he spelled everything for me that I can't even deny it anymore.

"It's disgusting, I know-yoi. I could very well be your uncle. I'm an old man."
He looked down as his face scrunched up with mixed emotions.


"I was afraid at first and thought the same as you just said. I thought that it was a feeling for a sibling. And since we've been apart for so long made me convince myself that it was the case-yoi."
He cut me off.

"But I started to question everything again when we met in Marineford. And even after realizing everything, I was still in denial since I know you would be disgusted-yoi. That it would ruin everything we've had so far."

Now I started to feel concerned. I have only seen this expression on him on very few occasions. And it's always when he's degrading himself.

"Marco, look-"

"No! I know what you're about to say. Can I hear it later, please? When I'm ready for the rejec-"

"Listen to me!"
I yelled in annoyance.

His eyes widen in shock at my sudden outburst.

"Stop saying that you're disgusting or not enough. You're not. You are very much enough and not disgusting. Rather, I was confused and in denial myself when I heard your feelings."
I sighed.

"I thought that you only see me as a kid all this time."
I continued.

"And yes, we have a pretty large age gap. But that wouldn't be the reason for me to decide anything. Since you have the mental state of a 20 year old anyway."
I chuckled at the end.


"So! I will tell you this. It was actually the first time that I've ever felt flustered after getting a confession. My image of you as an older brother figure somewhat faded a little, but not enough for me to say that I can accept your feelings."
I cut him off before he could get any false hopes.

His eyes saddened once again.

"So maybe we can go somewhere. Just the two of us. To try and figure this thing out."
I suggested with my chest still pounding hard, trying to keep my expression as poker as possible.

His head perked up excitedly. The sadness somehow gone now.

"You're saying... we can go... on a date-yoi?"

"If that's what you want to call it."


Marco then rushed out of my room with his face red in embarrassment. He was blurting a lot of nonsense while sometimes stuttering in the middle that I failed to catch what he was saying. So he gave up and ran away with the dirty dishes.

As soon as he was out, I immediately punched the pillow with this newly found energy of mine that doesn't exist earlier.

What the heck?!
What just happened????

I took multiple deep breaths to calm myself down as my body felt tired after punching the pillow just a few times.

But this could become a big problem when the others know.

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