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The entire mission took nine days in total, which was faster than the previous calculation Dragon have. The slaves were eager after all to be freed from their chains and work in the cold weather in that country.

Their condition was awful. Some of them was not even wearing proper clothing for the climate. So when they arrived in Baltigo, they were more than thankful for the treatments and aids.

"Nee-chan! Nee-chan!"
A group of children ran up to me with bright smiles.

I smiled back at them.

"W-We made this for you!"
A girl handed me a necklace made out of scrap metals decorated nicely with colorful bottle caps.

"The only thing we have are those..."
"They're not that nice, but please accept them!"
"It's our token of gratitude!"

They all said nervously. Eyes obviously looking at my face in search of a reaction.

So I kneeled to get the same eye-to-eye height with them and pat their heads slowly with a smile.

"Thank you. I will cherish them."
Was what I said before walking back with Robin to the base.


The former slaves were taken care of in a different building that has the exact purpose of taking care of those who managed to escape. Baltigo always welcome them here as a stepping stone so they would be able to go back to their hometowns.

But it's different with Robin since she's an important guest for both me and Dragon. So she's staying in the main base like other members of the Revolutionary Army. She was given the room next to mine to stay at.

"Take your time to rest. There's already clothes and other things you might need in there. Dinner will be served in two hours."
I said before going to my own room to relax.

But a loud knock stopped me right before I could even change clothes.

"Who is it?"
I sighed as I opened the door.

"Of course."
I said as the sight doesn't surprise me.

It was Sabo.


"You should've told me that you've returned!"
He complained as he barged into my room.

"I just got here, Sabo."
I sighed again as I saw him sitting on my sofa without permission.

"Come here."
He gestured, so I came up to him.

He suddenly pulled me to sit on his lap as he slowly go trough my arms, neck, and legs to search for injuries.

"I didn't get injured."
I rolled my eyes at his over protectiveness.

"Look at me."
He ignored my words.

I don't really have the energy to argue, so I just did as he told me to and looked at him right in the eye.

His hands started to examine my head carefully as he tilt my head here and there. He soon stopped as he didn't find any injury.

"See? You're worrying too much."
I said as I stood from his lap.

"It can't be helped."
He sighed as he slumped down the sofa in relief.

"Well, how about your mission? I guess it went well."
I said as I studied his body that's clean from injuries as well.

"Of course. It only took five days since it's near. Some of them already took off since they're already healthy."
He said.

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