Punk Hazard

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Using my copies to take out the snail transponders in secret, my main body is resting in Caesar's room from earlier while the three are watching the live broadcast from the snails outside.

In the middle of it, one of the soldier bursted into the room in panic.


My main body woke up from the noise since it would be weird if I didn't.

Caesar decided to cut access entirely to building A that connects it to the main building. But Vergo felt that it won't be enough and decided to go down there himself.

"Ah... let me go as well. One of them is my brother after all. It'd be bad if someone else kill him."
I stood up.


"Oh? You're really fast."
I chuckled as I found the panting Luffy and the relaxed Smoker nearby.

"Is... is he inside?"
Luffy pointed.

"Yeah, ring the bell and you'll find him."
I pointed to the small button next to the door.

"Vergo isn't here by the way. He must've gone to Tashigi."
I turned to Smoker.

An announcement then made about Law getting into the S.A.D room. Probably to bait out Vergo and destroy it at the same time. Plus, the lost Smoker would also ended up there since the two are after the same person.

"Ah! I have to look for that boy."
I just remembered my promise to that samurai.

So I went to the Biscuit Room. Of course the guards were welcoming me like usual.

"Medeia! What is going on outside?"
They surrounded me as they trembled.

"There's good older sisters and older brothers coming here to save all of you. They'll take you back to your parents."
I smiled.

They started to cheer up after that. So I asked them about the kid named Momonosuke. But none of them seem to have heard of his name. So I continue to search for the kid to the other rooms, somehow ended up in the S.A.D room.

"Oh, this is a pure coincidence."
I chuckled.

"You came to watch?"
Vergo turned to me while his hands are still busy beating Law up.

"Wow, you really did him a number."
I smiled.

Seems that Smoker isn't here yet.

"Ah, I've called Joker. He had a message for the two of you."
Vergo suddenly mentioned.

"To Law, what a shame. And as for you, Vice Admiral, we're truly the same. I shall reward you, so come to Dressrosa."
He continued.

After provoking him some more, Law got the short end of the stick since Vergo just squeezed his cubed heart, making him vomit out blood again.

"Want me to lend you a hand, Vergo?"
I smiled as I noticed Smoker coming in the room.

"That's alright. I'll manage."
He returned my smile.

Smoker and Vergo started their more chaotic fight while I just watched from the sidelines. Sitting right in front of Law who's laying on the ground.

"You sure have a lot of free time, Meddie-ya."
Law commented.

"It sure is nice to be me, right?"
I smiled.

He only followed with a bitter chuckle but soon stopped. Probably his organs are somewhat damaged.

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