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After calling out the six, we immediately head to the health ward and got the operation room with them lying on the beds. Even though it's done with a hot metal stamp, it still need to be done with proper hygiene.

"Bite on this and grip this."
I gave each of them some thick towels to hold.

The youngest is even younger than me. I can't believe a ten year old kid is going through something like this. They are of course given numbing medicines along with anesthetics. But it's still painful.

"Okay, I'll count to three and you all must press it down immediately, okay?"
I said to the doctors in the room.

Each of us handles one person, so we would be able to stop their bleeding immediately.





Their muffled scream echoed through the entire ward.

"Quick! Stop their bleeding!"

After we were done stopping their bleeding and dressed the wound, we attached their bodies to an IV since they all passed out and their bodies are malnourished. They haven't been eating properly.

"Thanks guys, now we can move them to their room."

Done with the symbol remake, I was far too exhausted to take out my luggage in the room and reorganize it. But I still have to ask Dragon about the vacation I told Sabo about last week. So I went back to his office.

"It's me again."
I knocked.

I walked in and sat in front of his desk.

"You're done?"
He asked.

"Yeah, the others helped me so it didn't take long."
I sighed tiredly.

"You can rest now. Or is there something you want to talk about?"
He asked.

"Yeah... Have Sabo asked you about the vacation?"
I asked.

"Oh, he mentioned it to me last week. You want to visit your father and his crew, right?"

"Yeah, two weeks should be enough. Is it alright?"
I asked.

"Sure. You've worked a lot these past three months, you deserve some break. But is Sabo going with you?"
He raised an eyebrow.

"He told me he wanted to tag along, but it's definitely up to you wether he could or not."
I shrugged.

"Well... When do you plan to go?"

"I was thinking next week."
I said.

"Then tell Sabo that if he also want a vacation, he should finish all of his work in six days."
He smiled.

"Alright. Thanks, uncle."
I smiled and left his office.

Finally heading to my own room, I placed all my belongings on the floor, not wanting to unpack just yet. And placed the Marigolds back on the table since they need the sun.

I checked my other plants and they all survived the weeks I was gone since I installed this new water system so I don't have to rely on anyone to water them. Don't get me wrong, I trust Sabo, but he could kill a cactus in a blink of an eye, so that explains why I don't trust him with my plants.

Talking about checking....

I haven't spoken with Ace, Luffy, or Rayleigh for the past three months now. They just send me some letters anytime they could to tell me that they're alive and breathing.

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