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Tashigi looked nervous at my choice of word.

"Oh, you know me."
I chuckled.

"Don't forget the reason why she's the youngest Vice Admiral in Marine's history."
Smoker still stared at me with his poker face.

"Right... She's that Reaper ."
His subordinates shuddered, tears dried up.

"I don't really mess with people. But when they mess with me... that's some other story. Anyway, you can steal and use the gears and weapons from the soldiers outside. I got them for you."
I said as I stood up.


"You finished talking?"
I popped out, putting my hand inside of Law's coat since I forgot my gloves.

The Straw Hats cheered.

I greeted them back with a smile.

"He just finished telling his crew about it."
Law said.

"Meddie, are you in this too?"
Nami who's in Franky's body stared at me like she wanted me to say no.

"Uh.. yes I am."
I chuckled, surprising them even more.

"Why though? You want to beat up a Yonko?"
Usopp asked.

"The man that owned this facility wanted to kill you all. That's why."
I smiled.

They're more confused than before.

"They've taken Ace and Pops away from me. I can't let them take Luffy as well."
I whispered to him.

He flinched a little and frowned before he whispered to the others except Luffy. They all looked at me in understanding.

"You'll be a great help."
Law sighed as he tapped my shoulder.

As the conversation about the alliance went on, Law grow even more flustered over time by Luffy's logic of alliance.

"I did warn you that he'd think of it as a formal form of friendship."
I chuckled.

With nothing he could object with, Law agreed to saving the kids but not to saving that samurai we spared.

"Head back first with Chopper, I'll follow you soon."
I smiled.

Law nodded and hung Chopper on top of his nodachi like a pendant.

"So the plan is to kidnap that master person, right?"
Luffy asked him again to make sure.

"Yeah. She'll explain how his power works."
Law threw it at me and left.

"Well, from where should I start?"


"He has 300 million beri in bounty, and he's consumed the logia gas-gas fruit. So if you can't use haki, better get away or he'll suffocate you to death."
I shortly explain.

"Who in your group can use haki?"
I ask.

"Hmm... me, Zoro, and Sanji can use it. Including you and Torao, that makes five of us."
He said.

"That should be enough."
I nod.


"Ho... did you start it today?"
I asked in amusement, shocking him since I suddenly appeared from behind.

"Y-Yeah, while we have the G-5 fleet out there and those stupid soldiers, it should be a fun show."
He laughed.

"How's your brother and his crew, Meddie?"
Monet asked with her fake smile.

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