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"What do you mean she's not in her capsule?!"
Ace ran towards the surgeon in panic.

"The first thing I saw when I go outside was her running off to the forest, crying and screaming something I don't understand."
He said to the hothead.

"And the explosion?"
Jinbei asked.

"I think she went on a rampage. Both her katana and nodachi are gone from my tent."
Ace groaned irritably.

"She visited your tent first?"
Luffy asked, he was obviously confused.

"No, those swords are special... They could react to their owner's calling."
Ace explained.

The three men then ran after Medeia towards the forest while Jinbei is reporting the news to the Kuja authorities so they know about what's going on.


They all screamed out but there was no answer. The forest is surprisingly quiet, no sound of the said rampage Trafalgar mentioned before. But there sure was a lot of sign that it did happen. Many trees and rocks were split in pieces, leaving blue and red trail marks on them.

Suddenly a blur came their way and crashes into Ace. It was Medeia. But she was crying and some of her bandages are seeping out blood from the reopened wounds she have.

"Where's Pops?! Where the fuck are we?!"
She said frantically.

Her eyes wide and she's also out of breath.

"He's safe with the others... They must be in hiding now to treat everyone. We're in Amazon Lily, Hancock brought us here. It's safe."
Ace informed the girl.

The tight grip she has on Ace's shoulders disappeared as she slumped down to the ground, sighing deeply. Then a waterfall of unexpected tears followed. She tried to wipe it off but there was too much to fight.

"Hey... What's wrong?"
Ace asked with obvious concern.

When the two other guys came, they're more than confused at the situation in front of them.

"You made her cry didn't you?!"
Luffy said accusingly to his brother.

"I didn't!"
Ace defended himself.

As the two brothers fought amongst themselves, Trafalgar crouched down to the crying girl and sighed as he gently pat her head in silence.

It must be so scary for her...

The surgeon thought, slightly sympathizing with her as he also once went through a war where he lost his precious family members.

Her crying slowly came down to a sniffle at the kind gesture of the surgeon.

"Do you think that I did the right thing by betraying the Marines, surgeon?"
She asked.

"You saved your brothers and your father, so I guess it's worth it."
Trafalgar shrugged it off.

She didn't say anything more as the two stayed in a comfortable silence until the girl finally dozed off and laid her head on his shoulder unconsciously.

Trafalgar glanced at the two brothers first and found them still fighting, so he decided to take Medeia back to the capsule himself.

She fluttered her eyes open at the sudden movement.

"I'll take you back to your capsule. So do me a favor and stay there until you're healed, okay?"
He said to the former vice admiral.

How come she looked so fragile now..

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