Mist ninga

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This is not a chapter. This is a prolong to a book that I want to make. So here goes nothing. By the way Neji is not here when the scene happens. He is coming though.

(??? Pushes lee)

???1: You trying to take the chunin exam with that kind eyes of level?

???2: Maybe you should just quit.

(Pushes tenten)

???3: how cruel

???1: listen up, we're being kind to you. The chunin exams are extremely dangerous. I have seen people give up on being ninga, get extremely injured or worse die.

Sasuke: that sounds like a great argument but I'll pass. And by the way, undo the the genjustu you created as well while your at it. I want to get to the third floor.


Sasuke: Sakura how about you? Have you noticed as well.

Sakura: Sasuke-kun,........Of course I've already noticed because this is the second floor.

Naruto: yeah.

(Genjustu turned off)

???2: your pretty good, but being able to notice it isn't enough.

Narrative POV
It seems like the mysterious chunin tried to attack sasuke, but sasuke saw this coming and went in for an attack of his. But out of nowhere lee stopped both attack.

Sasuke: He stopped my kick, Was that charka in his arm?

???/???: Lee you broke our promise of keeping low.

Everyone: Huh?

Narrative POV out of nowhere, two Hugha's came out walking down the hallway. They wore the same clothes and they both almost exactly alike the only difference was that one was in a hair style and another had there hair loose.

 They wore the same clothes and they both almost exactly alike the only difference was that one was in a hair style and another had there hair loose

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(This the outfit there wearing but with sleeves like the ones muichiro had in the demon slayer corps.)

???: Now everyone will notice us.

???: Clam down Neji.

Neji: but how can I. You know our reputation.

Sound nin: Kabuto who are those two.

Sasuke(In head):maybe I can get some info on them.

Kabuto: I think those are the moon siblings.

Naruto: Moon what now?

Kabuto: The moon sibling are Neji Hugha and Muichiro Hugha. They got this name because of a mission they were put on was C rank that escalated to an A rank. They were completely surrounded but as the sun went down, and the moon rose up the tides turned. Witnesses say that their hair turned black and turquoise blue, their eyes turned demonic and in a 5 min all the ninja were dead.

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