Killer Queen

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(Plane ride to Italy)

Madara: Come on uncle Speedwagon, tell me more about Granny Erina's rivalry with Grandpa Johnathan.

Speedwagon: I said no, if you want to learn more bring it up with your grandmother.

Madara: aaaaaawwwwww......but you'll tell me more stories right?

Speedwagon: Later Madara

Madara: aaaaaaaawwwwwww.

Joseph: But the way uncle Speedwagon, why didn't you tell us about the sharigan earlier?

Speedwagon: Actually it was Johnathan's will to make sure you guys didn't learn about it. He wanted to protect you guys from the demons and secrets it holds just like how his father did when he was little.

Pilot: We are arriving in Rome, Italy.

Joseph: Yay!

Madara: Now that we're here, I wonder how granny Erina's going to like her early birthday present?

(Back in New York)

Smoky: Ms Joestar you have a gift from your granddaughter.

Erina: Really, I wonder what it is?

Smoky: it's quite bizarre to say the least.

Erina: What do you mean-

(Sees Santana)

Erina: MADARA!!!!!!!

(Where the gang is)

Joseph: What should we do first?

Speedwagon: We have to meet up with Zeppeli.

Madara and Joseph: LAME!!!

Joseph: I say we go shopping and then lunch, who's with me.

IJ: I am!

Madara: I am.

Joseph: that's good to hear, now on we go.

(Madara and Joseph leaves)

Speedwagon: Wait, great now I have to reschedule for later.

(4 Hours later)

Joseph: That was a lot of shopping.

Madara: Now I can make new clothes for me and you.

Madara(In head): And I have many ideas fufufufu. I'll give him a look of a good old fashioned lover boy.(get it)

I have a bad feeling about this.

Madara(In head): Shut up Hermès

Joseph: Look sis there's a restaurant, maybe we can eat there.

Madara: If you say so Joseph just remember that we have to meet back with Speedwagon.

Joseph: Hai.

Madara(In head): Dammit stop reminding me of Izuna.

You can't fight it.

Madara(In head): yes I can Hermès, I've done it many times before I can do it now.

(Both walk into the restaurant)

Madara: this place has nice scenery.

Joseph: Come on now,I hungry.

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