Man with a mission

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Hello the narrator is back after recovering from IJ's attack I don't have anything to say, so onto the story.

Carmen: I still don't know why you're protecting that freak after everything he's done; what his people did.

William: Johnathan hasn't done anything to hurt or harm you. Why do you insult him?

Carmen: They're all the same, it doesn't matter if he's not a pureblood.

William: surely there must have been a misunderstanding.

Carmen: No, you're being manipulated by him right? You and all of your friends right? There's o way such a kind of Uchiha exists. There all emotionless monsters and-

William: Calm down!


Carmen attacks William with a punch but William dodged and tried to kick her but he saw metal spikes pop out from her body.

Carmen: it seems that monster has his fangs too deep into your skulls so only in death will be free!

IJ: What the fuck is this lady going on about!? This ain't justice this is purely based on emotions and lies.

William: Usually, I refrain from using these words but what the hell is wrong with you?!

Carmen: it doesn't matter, I'll kill you and then the rest of your friends if the others haven't done it yet.

William: This is not the way to go!

Carmen: try me!

Cameron grabs a knife from her pocket and tries to stab William multiple times. William kept blocking.

IJ: This man is still trying to reason with her. I would have given up on her.

Carmen took out more daggers and knives from her body and threw them at William. William dodged effortlessly but then the knife came running back at him and no matter has many times he dodged, the weapons would twist and turn In different directions. It was as if the knives had minds of their own.

Carmen: I can manipulate metal to the smallest atom! You can dodge these weapons and even if you did, I'll just bend them into smaller pieces so I can harm you.

William: Well I'm your worse opponent then.

Carmen: What?!

William: Metal just happens to be a great conductor of Hamon.

William touched one knife and then another. The knives came together one by one to form a rope. The rope hit Carmen and electrocuted her.

Carmen: Ahhhhhhhh!

Carmen cried in pain. This wasn't supposed to happen. But then her memories started to become clear.

Carmen(in the head): Wait, this isn't right..... My family wasn't killed by Uchiha it was by Danzo.

Carmen: WAIT!

William: what is it now?

IJ: Yeah, what do you want lady!?

Carmen: I want to thank you.

William: Huh?

Carmen: whatever you did to me, released me from Danzo's control. He was controlling everyone. Well except Vergo, she's just crazy.

IJ: Crazy Bitch

Willam: how do I know you're not lying?

Carmen: I will give you information on Danzo.

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