Weather Storm

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(This one was inspired by Douma vs Shinobu and the cp9 fight I hope y'all know your one piece or this is going to be confusing for you.)

IJ: Woah, woah, woah how did I get her again? Oh yeah, last time on the Uchiha Joestar Speedwagon was getting his ass kicked and I didn't know why so let's go back in time to find out how that happened......

Vergo: It's just you and me

Speedwagon: So be it.

Vergo: Humph, we'll see about that....Metor kick!

(Speedwagon dodges)

Speedwagon: Swing arm!

IJ: It seems that Vergo dodged it. She's turning into bubbles?

Vergo: HA!

Speedwagon(In head): My attack fazed through her?!

Vergo: Your probably asking why did I turn into bubbles? Well you see I modified my body to capture the Uchiha clan. My ability allows me to change into bubbles.

Speedwagon: But why, why would you do all this?

Vergo: Well for the money of course. Speedwagon—You and I are cut from the same cloth. We were both born in the slums and had to fight for what we wanted.

Speedwagon: How did you know I was from the slums?

Vergo: It's in your accent.

Speedwagon: It doesn't matter, your trying to kill the innocent.

Vergo: Speedwagon, if a fox kills a rabbit, has it sinned?

Speedwagon: ?

Vergo: No it hasn't, because it's trying to survive. It the same for me as well; I kill the Uchiha out of the Nacessity.

Speedwagon: and what need is that?

Vergo: The need to protect family.


Vergo: You see I have family who is very poor and my siblings are very sick. My parents are dead so I have to take care of them. I need the Uchiha for the money; I need this power to save my siblings.

Speedwagon: ........But that still doesn't change the fact that you are insane. You can stop now you psycho.

Vergo: Huh?

Speedwagon: You heard me, If you really wanted to save your siblings, then you would have lived an honest life. You wouldn't have modified your body. To respect your sibling wishes you wouldn't be trying to kill an innocent man like Jojo.

Vergo:......My siblings would understand.

Speedwagon: I have you know I have very good eye sight and a mighty fine intuition. There are bad vibes all over you even though your being so honest. Not to mention you were smiling when you tried to attack me and my friends.

Vergo:....I don't.....get what you mean?

Speedwagon: You know my mom always used to tell me you can always trust a lying person because you can always trust them to lie but you can't trust and honest person because you never know when they'll lie. Those eyes, your killing intent, and that sickening smile before that final blow ment for jojo means that you take pleasure in harming others and the lives you take.

IJ:Well shit, we have another fuck up one. Let me just add her to my list of crazy people now.

Speedwagon: Even if you are doing it for something right, the moment you lose your morals—your humanity you become a monster.

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