I'm back again?(spoliers)

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Ok so here's the thing there are not a lot of Johnathan stories out there right, and every time I look up Johnathan for JoJo's bizarre adventure, I always get x reader and it's starting to tick me off. For once I want a story with Johnathan being the star. I want him to change as a character as the story the progress. Maybe I'm not looking in the right place. But since no one will do it I will. Just like in the Uchiha Joestar, I'm changing Johnathan to match his more Uchiha side. There will be times when people snap. You can't be a gentleman all the time. I been want to to do a demon slayer story for awhile so this will do perfect now. By the way, this will be a spoiler so be prepared.

Here goes.....


Getting there....

So close.

You may have not realized it yet but the Uchiha Joestar will be a series. The first book will include part 2 and 3. The second book will revolve around part 4 and 5 five and the final book will be about part six. Yes there will be a made in heaven.(for the greater good😭) but this make the story progresses in what I'm doing. (Spoilers done) Now that's out of the the way, if you saw Hamon style you know it's a side story to the Uchiha Joestar. This book for Johnathan that I wanted to make will also be a side story. It will be in the world of demon slayer; it even got an intro for him but the question is which character do I put him in? So yeah when I done thinking I'll give you the intro and then Hamon style then Uchiha Joestar and I'm super sorry for putting it off for some time now. I'll try to make it up to you guys so the next chapter of Uchiha Joestar will revolve around Johnathan's life. So yeah be prepared it's gonna get all gloomy in the next chapter. Good day to all peace I'm out.

 Good day to all peace I'm out

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Fucking love michikatsu!!!!!!

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