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IJ: Ello, it me again, it appears that the narrator is not waking up yet and it pissing me off. Well, I can only blame myself for knocking him out but still by the way, these fights will have diversity in them. Each person will fight differently..... Now where was I... oh yeah granny Erina's fight! Time for some kick ass fights. IJ will be commentary...

Erina: It seems it's just you and me Blaze.

Blaze: So it seems

IJ: It seems like Erina went for her signature spinning axe kick, but Blaze dodges. He winds up for a punch to Erina's face but Erina ducks. It seems like Blaze has experience with boxing. Blaze begins and onslaught of attack, but it's easy for Erina since she fought Jojo on multiple occasions. She hits him right the face! Sweet blimey, that was so cool!

Blaze: Urgh.

Erina: had enough Blaze?

Blaze: Not even close this is just a warm up.

IJ: Holy fuck Blaze is coming at Erina faster than her eyes can see. He ended up punching her square in the face.

Erina: Ah!

Blaze: A woman like you shouldn't even be here, go back to the house and do housework like any women does.

Erina: What makes you think you have the right to boss me around and tell me what to do with my life?

Blaze: I'm just saying, women need to be protected. This is why I hate women, they can't fend for themselves; they're weak.

IJ: Sexiest much.. oh it seems that Granny Erina is pissed.

Erina: How dare you, I'll beat the snot out of you.

Blaze: What a Brutish woman. I hate this type so much because they don't give up.

IJ: Oh my, it seems like Blaze hit Erina with one of those fast punches, but Erina caught it and head butted him in the face.

(Blaze is taken aback)

Erina: Say that to my face again boy.

Blaze: I'm not a boy, I'm 27.

Erina; You've got the mindset of one.

Blaze: it seems like I'm gonna pull out the big guns.

IJ: What does by big guns? Holy shit there's two of them!

Erina: Nani?!

Blaze: What you thought that we killed freaks like him as humans? No, I have genetically modified my body to kill those Uchiha Freaks. I'm above you.

Erina: you think your strong, your the real monster sacrificing part of who you are and your humanity just for the need of power. Johnathan is more human than you'll ever be!

Blaze: You take that shit back now bitch!

Erina: make me.

IJ: Ah shit, it's about to go down.

Blaze: Fine then if you won't give up then I'll break your spirit into dust.

Erina(In head): there are two of him now. I have to focus on the defensive for now.

IJ: this is not going to end well. Snap, it seems like Blaze is coming a faster speeds now but somehow, Erina is still keeping up with Blaze.

Blaze(In head): How the hell is she keeping up with me? She's a woman, a frail, weak, woman. She just acting tough just wait and see until the real guns come out.

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