Hey guys

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A/n: Ok so Today I started to think how many chakra nature's does Madara have? So I started to do research and then I found a rant. Like a really good rant, like it made me think he too op to say op. BROKEN EVEN!!! Turns out that I have been doing this story so wrong. How the fuck am I going to put all this shit on a godammn story. So I'm sorry that I made this mistake and I will try to do better as a person. Now here is the link to that rant. I will forever see the man as a broken savage. I have decided to have Madara have her five chakra natures. She won't get wood style until later in the story and the other sage of six paths shit. She will also get her weapons later too.


That is the link. Those are 15 facts you didn't know about Madara.

Peace I'm out

Peace I'm out

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