Survial of the fittest

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A/n: Before reading this chapter make sure are prepared for some changes in these characters. Some might be small and some might be large. This is my fanfic, deal with it. Now to the story.

Speedwagon: Now before we start our story please make sure to have Santana under control.

Madara: Don't worry Speedwagon. I have him under control.

 I have him under control

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IJ:Rest In Peace bitch

Joseph(In head): IJ that is not very nice.

IJ: You see this girl's face? SCARY!!

Joseph(In head): you better clam down.

Madara: Santana is just standing still. He'll be fine.

Santana(In head): I want to test her abilities but, (gulps) she has this dangerous aura around her that's like Lord's Kars and I don't dare to fight him.

Madara: See he's harmless.

IJ: That's what they all say until they bite you in the butt and try to take over the world.

Joseph(In head): I think that's a little bit over exaggerating.

IJ: No I am not.

Joseph: Sis, just make sure to feed it, make go on walks, bath it, and the other essentials.

Speedwagon(In head): I feel like they talking about him as if they were taking care of a dog.

Madara: Speedwagon, the story.

Speedwagon: Ah yes, now I'll start when George was stab by Dio.


Johnathan: Dad!!!

A/n: Dio has already dawned the mask and was shot.

Johnathan: Father!!!!

George1: Jojo

Johnathan: I should have dodged the knife. I let that stupid mask distract me and  and now you've sacrificed yourself for me.

George1: No no no, John-athan *coughs* that mask w-was an h-heirloom of your mo-ther. Of course you would be dis-dis-distracted by it. You don't-t have to fr-fret please-e take-this.

(Gives Johnathan a ring)

George1: T-This r-ring was-s your mother's.

Johnathan: Father, I still have so many questions about mother and the secrets you kept from me. You have a life to live, don't leave me!

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