The Aftermath

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The morning after I woke up too loud thumping on the window and cringed while slowly opening my eyes. Apparently it rained all last night and was set to rain all day too. There goes our plan to defeat the wizard today. Hopefully those dwarfs can hang on for another day. I slid out of the bed and got dressed in lazy wear when I suddenly recalled all of last night. "oh....shi-" My eyes widened and could not believe what I was reliving in my mind i'm snatched out of my thoughts by bakugou..wait BAKUGOU!? "Hey there sexy, Last night was great so i thought i'd make you some eggs and pancakes." "Not to brag but i'm a pretty great cook." I smiled at his thoughtfulness but declined. "Actually i'm not hungry you can have it thank you though." I lied straight through my teeth, I'm actually starving but I can't let him know that. God loves playing God so of course my stomach growls at that exact moment. Katsuki suddenly gets stern and serious. " Kyouka..Eat.Now." I'm guessing he figured out that i have an ED. //pfft my bad trigger warning ig// I eat slow and small bites as he stares at me worried and patiently which confuses me because we just met. I hope he doesn't get attached. He was just a sneaky link. As I finish up I feel much better and alive. Bakugou cupped my face and strokes and rubbed his thumb along my cheek, instinctively I leaned into his touch and closed my eyes enjoying the comfort. "You're perfect. Don't starve yourself, you need to be alive and healthy when we get married." That comment makes my eyes shoot open. "MARRIED!?"

~timeskip brought to you by Denki flirting with mitsuki and masaru~

"I can't believe UGH how dare he?! who just proposes to someone like that" I say as I look down at the ring Bakugou gave to me.

~le flashback~

"M-MARRIED?!" I said absolutely flabbergasted. He suddenly gets on one knee and I barely hear his whole speech from the shock I was in. "Kyouka Jirou you are the most beautiful- scratch that the most gorgeous girl on this planet and I fell in love with you after landing my eyes on you. Will I do the honour and be my wife?" I blink and rub my eyes. I even pinched myself and unfortunately it wasn't a dream. "Are you high?" "wha- no i'm serious, marry me." "No, what the hell, why would i do that?" "marry me Jirou." "I said no it was only a good fuck nothing more." I walk out like a bad bitch cause why the hell would i say yes. Ok ok maybe after i closed the door i blushed like a manic and ran away.

~End of flashback~

So that my musical notes is why I'm dripping wet at a park. Now that you're all caught up the thing is he's incredibly good looking, good in bed, and puts up a fight. It's everything I wanted a thrill of excitement it anything more? Even if i did accept his proposal he'd hate me after he actually gets to know all of me. Plus! what happens if he cheats and what if he doesn't like MIRACULOUS LADYBUG??! *shiver* scary. A dark shadow hovers over me. "what the fu-" I look up and see a big ass titan thing that apparently has amour...uh who the hell put Riener in game? wait wait REINER!? "shit..of course welp what do you want, big guy? a penis? looks like you need it." I think I hit a nerve cause he brings his arm back and starts pulling it back down to swipe me up man i could've kept my mouth shut i close my eyes ready for impact but it never comes.

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