𝐴 𝐻𝑒𝑐𝑘 𝑂𝑓 𝐴 𝐺𝑢𝑦

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The summer of 1985!

Y/N L/N had finally graduated from Hawkins High along with her best friend Steve Harrington, the used to be King of Hawkins High, allowing her to finally reach her adulthood and set off to college. Continuing friendships along with the party, but before we begin I think we should rewind and catch up on what everyone has been up to. Enjoy!!

After getting the Mind Flayer out of Will, everything went back to normal, the kids went to school as Y/N and her friends had to study real hard, their future depended on it. Dustin was entirely convinced that Steve and Y/N had feelings for each other, but they were both oblivious and didn't notice the hints they gave each other which drove Dustin crazy. So he and his friends set out to get them together for the rest of the year but were unsuccessful.

The first plan was trying to get them under the mistletoe, during Christmas time, which was a good plan, setting it up was a hassle because Steve and Y/N were all over the place, trying to help put gifts and food here and there. The mistletoe was placed by the doorway into the kitchen, the kids sat near there to finally achieve their goal. Unfortunately, when they were under it, Y/N just gave Steve a light kiss on the cheek, a friendly one sending Steve into a pile of emotions, making Dustin upset, there goes one mission failing.

Dustin saw the chemistry and tension between them, they worked so well with each other when fighting about who's better to those random cuddles they gave each other during movie nights. Just friends, they said. Dustin thought Steve and her were made for each other, but they hadn't realized it yet.

Their second plan was getting them a double date together with Lucas and Max, at the arcade which ended up unsuccessfully because they ended up taking care of them and not really "date" due to their fighting and making a scene. Them not get an earning from babysitting them, slightly pissed them off. The most random event was Kieth trying to hit on Y/N, making her slightly uncomfortable and Steve just tried to keep her safe around there. I guess we could say it was their first date. Right?

For Dustin, all his plans continued to fail, but Steve and Y/N's moments came so naturally. To the point where they were a literal couple without noticing, the secret sleepovers they had when Steve's parents weren't home, the gifts they gave to each other, sharing each other's garments, the intimate talks on the phone, the mass amount of pictures taken with both of them, shopping, the adventures around the woods with the kids, as well as a road trip they both saved up for during spring break. Y/N's parents were fully supportive of their friendship and how much they cared about each other like soulmates, her parents would joke. Her dad even said that Steve already treated her like a princess making Y/N nervous and slowly realized that her parents knew about her crush on him, she couldn't shut up about him at the dinner table, they were charmed with Steve and who he was. On the other hand, Steve's parents didn't even know about Y/N, he was always distant from his parents since they were always out of town or working like maniacs, anyways maybe they wouldn't be as supportive of their friendship. Wow, maybe it was a nice paradise for both, for now.

Since it was the seniors' year, they had prom, Steve has been longing to ask her, but was a nervous wreck every time he tried to pop the question during class or study sessions. At school, they were the inseparable duo and the slightly weird kids since they were complete opposites. Every girl envied Y/N, she always hung out with Steve, one of the most good looking guys at school, Y/N did have on and off crushes on him, but always considered him a friend, leaving Nancy off with Jonathan. Being a nervous guy around her, Steve asked Dustin, his wingman to find a way to ask Y/N to go with him to prom. Both of them found a way to ask her but had to plan this secretly since she was around them most of the time. Finally, it was a week before the event would take place, Dustin asked both of them at separate times if they wanted to go to the arcade (it was part of the plan.)

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