𝐷𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑢𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐿𝑎𝑑𝑦𝑏𝑢𝑔

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And yes, as you could tell from the previous chapter, Steve's little crush on Y/N has turned into a big fat one. He's head over heals for her, even those little awkward times they have, were so nerve wrecking to them. Jesus, this man realized he really loved her more than Nancy when she got her acceptance letter from her preferred school, Purdue University. He still remembers that same day where Y/N was the happiest person on the planet, her hard-work, dedication, and determination payed off for school. On the other hand, Steve didn't get accepted to Tech University which made Y/N a little upset, but that night they spent it together and talked it all out. Just friends Which was when they both decided to apply for a summer job for the new mall opening in town. The first time they saw the uniforms they were going to wear for the company policy were hideous, they actually thought of resigning, but Y/N convinced both of them to stay in the job.

That's where Y/N met Robin Buckley, a girl she had a French class with last year, they had became friends on that same day they got the job and spent the night getting to know each other, leaving Steve out. Y/N felt great having a girl to hang out with whom she could trust instead of hiding her small crushes from Steve. To hide these secrets together, they used French as a code for them to only communicate since Steve didn't understand it which made the girls laugh all the time.

Dustin also left to a summer camp for a month which left Y/N a little saddened because Dustin was the only kid she loved the most and was like a younger brother to her since she doesn't have a younger sibling. But this made it easier for Y/N to focus on her job, actually, the kids always used the back from the shop to get a free entrance to the movie theater located in the mall.

Working at this mall had its pros and cons, but most entirely, Steve and Y/N's budding friendship could be at fault. They seemed to have drifted apart since it recently opened, Robin hung out more with Y/N and Steve, knowing he wouldn't have a chance with her, became flirty with girls coming in and out of the mall, separating them and not having that amazing relationship they shared. Anymore.

June 28, 1985: Hawkins, Indiana

Now, we are back to the present, Steve, Y/N, and Robin were doing the usual shift at Scoop's Ahoy Ice Cream Shop. It was also the day that George Romero's preview for  Day of The Dead would be in theaters. The kids, who have all grown so much, especially Mike, all walked up to the counter.

"Dingus! Ladybug! Your children are here!" Robin shouted in annoyance.

Steve and Y/N opened the sliding door on the counter, "Again? Seriously?"

Mike rang the bell, Steve and Y/N led them in from the back into the hallway lead to the movie theater. The kids all walked to the back, Max and Lucas giving these kissy faces at Y/N and Steve, they always have said they were a good couple. Y/N glared at them and shooed them away.

"I swear if anyone hears about this!" Steve yelled.

"We're dead!" They all finished while they walked to another door, the group of kids who grew massively and matured, now all independent.

"We're going to get fired if anyone else find out," Y/N said as she and Steve walked back to the ice cream counter. "But I know for a fact, they aren't snitches."

"Yeah," Steve chuckled, ruffling his thick hair between his slender fingers.

The new Starcourt mall was filled with chatter and noise, malls have become really popular, leaving retail stores at the downfall in Hawkins. Scooping ice cream was Y/N's least favorite thing, but at least she's earning something instead of watching children. A few minutes later, when they went back to work with the buzzing crowds of children and teenagers, the power went out in the mall. The darkness filled the whole place, concerning everyone.

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