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"You put your mom down as a reference?" Robin questioned, stepping out of Steve's car. Now it was 3 months after the 4th of July mishap, making everything change. Hopper and Billy are dead, highly tragic for the Mayfields, and Eleven. The person she had been cared for the past year was now gone. From relationships to friends moving away, it was sadly going to be an end, but it was going to be a new chapter. Luckily, Y/N, Robin, and Steve decided to sign up for a new job at Family Video, the store next to the Palace Arcade, a huge landmark of Y/N's friendship with the party. As the reader, you might be wondering, wasn't Y/N going to school? Well.... yeah, but she decided she wasn't ready for independency and such dedication to a career yet, so she is going to take a layoff year for her studies to focus on herself due to these hectic events.

"That's weird not gonna lie," Y/N laughed, coming right beside of her, "I put Hop."

"Yeah," Steve walked next to them, ignoring Y/N's response, "She's very well respected."

He opened the door for the two girls inside Family Video, Robin and Y/N chimed as they walked inside, "You're such a dingus!"

"Wait!" He runs behind the two into the small store to find Keith, the supervisor of the arcade and this same store. Onto their interview to see if this job won't be as crazy as the other.

"Just so you know the mall burned down and killed a bunch of people."

"Thanks for sharing, didn't know," Keith states, handing back their resumes and he snaps his fingers towards Robin, "Three favorite movies, go!"

"The Apartment, Hidden Fortress, Children of Paradise."

After listening to Robin's answer, he turns to Y/N,"Okay now you!"

"Well...... The Outsiders, The Breakfast Club, and E.T." Y/N replies at his request as Keith now points to Steve who looked awfully clueless.

"Favorite movies?"

"Did I stutter?" Keith snaps at him, annoyed.

"Uhh........ Animal House for sure," Steve trails off, feeling Robin and Y/N's eyes on him, they both sigh at the stupid answer. He looks around, trying to remember.

"Eyes on me Harrington."

"Star Wars?"

"A new hope?"

"A what?"

"Which Star Wars?"

"The one with the teddy bears duh!" He says, feeling embarrassed and begins to make weird noises to imitate the characters from that movie. Robin annoyingly puts her head on the counter and Y/N rolls her eyes, "No? Oh! The one that just came out.... the one that just came out with the Dorlean and Alex P Keaton and he's trying to bang his mom!" Keith's eyes widen at what confusing statement, realizing if Steve were right or wrong. Steve notices at what he said and mumbles in embarrassment, "Yeah those are my top three favorites....classics."

A silence was driven in the conversation, letting the faded music sound louder, so Keith points to Y/N and Robin, "You two start Monday." Then he turns to Steve's pink face, "You start never."

Steve's eyes shot a glare at Keith while he shifted his glance at Y/N, who was pondering over finding a way to Steve to get the job. Y/N puts an arm around Steve and whispers in his ear, "Will you give us a minute?"

Robin nods along with her as Steve snaps, "What?"


Listening to her, he sees that Keith makes a weird expression to make him go away and harshly slides his paper of the resume, to walk away at the aisles. Robin leans into Keith, "Alright, you have to understand, Keith. I know his taste is a bit pedestrian, but the dingus has other qualities."

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