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Erica clicked the flashlight on to see the vent and took a while to comment something as she observed. She came down the ladder to look at the group, Steve standing there with his arms crossed, leaning against the counter, as Y/N sat on it slinging her arm around his shoulders, Dustin standing, and Robin leaning with her arms behind her.

"Yeah I don't know," Erica began, staring at them.

"You don't know if you can fit?" Dustin questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Oh I can fit, just don't know if I want to," She answered, Steve and Y/N rolled their eyes practically giving up already, while Dustin stood with a really? look on his face.

"Are you claustrophobic?" Robin inquired.

Erica boasted as she shook her head, "I don't have phobias."

"Okay, then what's the problem?"

"The problem is," She started to explain, placing her hand on the table, "I still haven't heard what's in this for Erica."

"Did you really just talk to yourself in the third person?" Y/N jokes making Erica glare at her, stopping her playful aura.

Steve pushed the banana boat ice cream sundae, towards Erica who already had around 3 milkshakes, 5 cones of ice cream, and two banana boats while sitting across from him. She looked down at it and pushed it back to Steve, confusing him. "More fudge please," Erica ordered making Steve sigh, grabbing it to add more topping on it and Y/N following him, "Go on."

Meanwhile Robin and Dustin explained to Erica about their plan, Y/N and Steve began to chat a little after what they've gone through right now.

"Well what do you think about this?" Steve asked her while trying to push the fudge out of the bottle, slightly struggling.

"Kind of seems like bullshit, but hey, the whole situation just sounds like fun to me," Y/N leaned over the counter to see Erica jabbering about her capitalistic opinions and she tried to help Steve with the bottle, "Let me help you."

"I'm fine," He groaned and kept on shaking the bottle, making Y/N trying to grab it from him, but he was too fast so it made her trip over to fall onto him almost too close to his face, "Slow down there tiger."

"Jeez sorry," Y/N laughed and slapped his shoulder, "Didn't know you got so turned on so easily."

"Oh please," Steve gave her the bottle, with a slightly tinted face, finally sighing in defeat.

"Done!" She was able to add the nice topping onto the banana boat adding a little more sprinkles as well, "Now go give it to her."

"Yes m'am," Steve mocked making her laugh and jokingly saluted her making her do a little weird dance while giving it to Erica. She cringed at the weird action while Steve continued to admire her, how many times was he going to tell himself, It's not going to happen?

Ensuingly, nightfall began, the packages were set and the mall closed. Leaving the four of them inside, well not really, it was just Erica who was inside the shop, the rest were outside waiting for their mission to be completed.

"Erica do you copy?" Y/N called out into the walkie talkie.

"Mhm. I copy," Erica answered back, "Nerds in position or what?"

"Yeah we're in position," Y/N informed, peering over the edge.

"It's all quiet here so you got the green light," Robin spoke next to her onto the walkie, earning nods of agreement.

"Green light. Roger that, commence operation, child endangerment," Erica mocked.

"Can we maybe not call it that?" Y/N groaned, feeling Steve's breath on her left ear.

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