𝑌𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝐵𝑎𝑐𝑘

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June 30, 1985

These days were the hottest, the Fourth of July celebrations were being prepared and many people were discussing right and left. Y/N came to work a little late since she didn't visit Dustin yet, but she spent the whole night awake, hearing her parents yell at each other. Everything had went downhill family wise now.

"This was not supposed  happen okay!?" Y/N heard her mom yell at F/N. Ever since, she graduated and summer began, Y/N's parents began to get mad at each other and begin fights. She didn't like seeing them fighting for the unreasonable things, at first Y/N thought it was normal, but later the insults were more hurtful, stressing her out, disconnecting herself from M/N and F/N. Sometimes she heard things breaking and it upset her, she was alone. Yeah and maybe she had Steve, but she couldn't tell him everything although they trusted each other. They were always a happy couple, so supportive and the kindest people, all of that changed in the matter of weeks. Sleeping became something so hard and she dreaded it, not wanting to. Steve drifted apart from her, making her feel isolated, not having Dustin made it worse. Steve was like her best friend, I guess she needed to talk to him about that. 

Y/N changed, and she admits it, ever since her feelings for Steve grew. She began to drop a few hints, trying to make a move. He seemed clueless and gravitated towards other girls at school, making her insecure. The last week of school destroyed her, hearing a girl body shame her, and it definitely impacted her. After that, she realized maybe she could change, beginning to eat less to look like other girls, the type of girls that Steve liked, putting makeup on when she never did, changing her appearance drastically (cutting her hair and changing her sense of style),exercising excessively, and the start of her unhealthy diet habits. Y/N realized soon after that maybe, changing wasn't the best and never worked, so she got back to her regular sense, but not leaving those eating habits. The skinnier the better, she thought.

Days later, Steve slowly began to notice these repetitive habits. It was one day, Y/N was tired and sick of hearing her parents fight so she hung out with him after weeks, it was the beginning of the summer vacation.

"Here," He would tell her giving her a slice of a sandwhich he made one time they were hanging out at his place.

"I'm fine, I'm really full,"  Y/N grumbled, she felt cranky and upset.

"You haven't eaten anything," Steve sat next to her.

"What do.....What do you mean?" Y/N laughed nervously, "I ate the other slice."

"No you didn't you just threw it away. Is something wrong?"

"No I'm fine, okay?" Y/N snapped at him and that's where their first fight began. It was series of trying to help, and yelling for a response with strong words.

"Come on," Steve grabs her hand, to slow her down, "You know you can talk to me."


"Y/N TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON!" He yelled at her making her jump.

"No, it's none of your business. And don't yell at me like that, you scare me," She quivers at his words.

"Y/N you're going to have to tell me," Steve demanded trying to pull her arm. "You haven't been yourself lately-"

"You are no one to get in my life," She barked back with tears in her eyes, she took her frustration out on her best friend,"Now before I tell you more bullshit, just shut up."

"No one?" He softened his look, remembering that time with Nancy on Halloween, the time where she confessed that their love was bullshit, "Who are you? You can't even trust me on stupid shit anymore? Y/N I'm just trying to help you."

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