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Hopefully you saw the word 'sequel' in the title and aren't a random UT fan here to get some content, but if you are be not afraid! Simply search for I'm Too Tired To Sleep and start there! Remember to come back afterwards ;)

As for the rest of you... Welcome to the long-needed sequel to my first ever fanfiction, which did much better than I expected it too... So thank you!!

Credit from ITTS still stands, with extra for:
- XTale by Jael Peñaloza/Jakei95
- Epictale by Yugogeer012

So now, without further ado, let the story continue:

1,000 years later, the multiverse decided 'you know what? Time to cause some mischief, just for funsies' so... Somethings that should not have been possible have transpired.


Sincerely, the very eager artist of words

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