A Bit Of A Nightmare

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"Creators above..." the skeleton muttered, "This is a nightmare."


"Oh not you Nightmare, I meant an actual nightmare."

"I am a nightmare. Have you not seen the way humans and monsters alike run from me?"

Dust flipped off his boss, who was currently smirking into a cup of over-brewed coffee, and a book in his hands.

"So... What is it that you deem more horrifying than me then?"

"Oh, just Cross. We were supposed to check up on that AU from last week. He's never late, but it's been like two hours."

Nightmare put down his book, tendrils stilling behind him. "Have you called?"

Trying not to smile at the boss' poorly hidden concern, Dust sighed. "Can't. He always turns it off when he's visiting Dream-"

Before Dust even finished his last word, the sound of ceramic shattering punctured the air. Pieces of the mug and last dregs of coffee littered the floor, and Nightmare's face was painted with a mixture of shock and anger.

"What did you say?"

Oops. He- he hadn't meant to say that.
Dust took one look at the tendrils of liquid hate curling menacingly behind his boss and gulped. "I uh- nothing. It's nothing."

"Do not lie to me. What. Did. You. Say."

"Ah, well, occasionally... Cross may be visiting Dream. But y'know it's just a 'maybe' I'm not even sure so there's no need to do anything rash I mean it's not a big deal or anything right?"

Now, Nightmare had a history of being especially irascible most days, but this- this was a new level. It was almost awe inspiring just how angry one monster could get. This could break records.

Dust, for one moment, was wholeheartedly impressed. But just for a moment.


And at the worst possible moment, Cross walked into the room.

Chara floated angrily beside Cross as they walked up to the castle, the former unamused by the latter's good mood.

Cross. Stop it. You're grinning like a school boy.

"Oh shut up Chara, I'm just smiling-"

Considering you're over an hour late to meet up with Dust, I don't think that's appropriate.

"'Over an hour?" the black and white skeleton echoed, his grin disappearing.

Yes bonehead. Now hurry up before Dust just decides to go without you.

Cross decided to do just that, practically stumbling into the living room. Dust and the boss were already there.

"Hey guys-! He greeted, then caught Nightmare's milk-curdling scowl, "Oh uh- You good Nightmare?"

"Just peachy," the goopy skeleton seethed, "I was just asking Dust why you were so late, hm?"

See? Dream is becoming a bad influence on you.

'Shut up' Cross thought to his ghostly companion even though it had been proven many times that Chara couldn't read his mind. Besides, his mind was much too occupied scrambling to find a valid excuse. "I was uh- I was just over in- in- I mean I was talking to um..."

Dust waved frantically from behind Nightmare, and made a 'cut it out' motion across his neck.

When Cross didn't immediately get it, the other skeleton began mouthing something that kinda looked like- Oh. Oh shoot.

"You- you know?"

"Know what, Cross?" Nightmare began sweetly, "Know that you've been running around with our enemy, possibly giving away all our information. Know that you're BETRAYING US!"

"Wha- Nightmare it's not like that!" Cross yelled as Nightmare walked towards him. The other skeleton shot one tentacle forward, pinning Cross against the wall as Dust cried out in shock, unsure of what to do. Nightmare could be violent sometimes, yes, but he wouldn't actually hurt Cross, right?

"What is it then, Cross? Why?"

And suddenly, something much more frightening than Nightmare's anger shone through that singular eyelight of his.

It was understanding.

The guardian paused, he seemed to freeze for a moment as everything clicked in place. And then he began to laugh.

"Oh!" He cried with levity, "I get it! You think he actually likes you! Haha this is so much- well- I'm not sure if it's better or worse for you Cross. Oh I can't believe it!"

"Wait. What do you mean I 'think' he likes me." Cross countered, confused and hurt even as he struggled in Nightmare's grasp.

"My poor friend," Nightmare said as he backed away, releasing the other, "Why would Dre- why would he want to be friends with you?"

The black and white skeleton hesitated. Nightmare took it as a chance to continue:

"Wake up Cross!" He snapped, "That liar is using you; we're on opposite sides! Why would he want to spend time with you!" Nightmare's anger quickly returned as he spoke, enunciating every emotion, every thought and every feeling until Cross' soul felt like it might crack. "Dream has betrayed everyone and everything that ever loved him! Why do you think you are so special that he would actually care about you?"

Silence fell across the room like a suffocating blanket. Not even the breeze dared to make a noise.

"...That's what I thought." Nightmare sighed heavily, "Now- I believe you and Dust have some... business to attend to."

Before Cross or Dust could say a word, their boss took his leave by way of the shadows painting the edges of the room.

"Cross..." Dust said softly and the other stared at the space where Nightmare had been.

"No. Its okay Dust I- that guy has a lot of issues huh?"

"You could say that again. I'm not sure he was still talking about you by the end of it y'know?"

The black and white skeleton breathed out slowly. "Yeah... Family issues am I right?"

Dust laughed quietly for a moment. "You sure you're okay though? I'm not very good at feelings but- we can talk if you want to."

"Thanks man. Maybe another time though; we should probably still head to that AU right?"

"Yeah. C'mon, we can steal some tacos from an Underswap after if you want?"

"Oh you know it."

Occasionally, there were times when this group of monsters were a family. When the cold, dark castle they lived in was the warmest home any of them had known in a long time. Where movie nights and pillow fights and friends were just around the corner.

But light always shone through the darkness, illuminating its faults and scars: These were still souls that had traumatised others and been traumatised, that had murdered and had attempts taken on their lives.

All of them were broken beyond repair. But sometimes they managed to be slightly less broken together.

Sometimes they forgot they were even broken at all. And when they remembered, everything came crashing down around them.

1155 words

Ooh did y'all want to forget this lovable bunch were literal murderers or something? And yes Nightmare is still very much a messed up goopy boi.

Sincerely, Kitchen gun 2.0

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